Cottonwood to celebrate 150th year in 2012, area history included
(History continued from last week)
It’s really a nice diversion to sit in a room with the stories of several hundred other people. As I glance through the individual files my mind wanders all over the place. How happy these people seemed to be doing what needed to be done – farming, cooking, feeding the animals and hoping for better times ahead. The same concerns generation after generation, only the methods changed.
Som of our ancestors were happy and content, others always under stress and pushing for change. Is it any different today? We are drawing these articles to a close and hope these past few months they have stimulated your interest in this 150-year story project. At this time we are getting ready to close down on the stories coming in. March 10 is the final deadline for acceptance. This will be in a little over 2 weeks from now.
The time featured here will be the 1990’s u p to the year 2000. 
In January and February the Gulf War winds down and mop-up planning begins. The break-up of the Soviet Union goes on with Russia having the biggest piece and the rest of this big nation goes into many smaller countries. New of large earthquakes and many tornadoes continue to plague the news across this decade.
In Nov. 1992, Bill Clinton is elected president of the US and now for a few years we will have lots to talk about.
In 1993 we have the Waco, Texas story and bombing of the World Trade Center in New York. Also about this time we are having the usual snow-up to 15” and then some thaw. A couple of years we have the snow and some having rain that comes in January and February. And we end up with flooding. Not only in town but big erosion in the fields. Much damage is done to local District roads which leads to a new kind of water-chemical mix and repeated packing.
Again, in this 10-year period farm prices go up and down but expenses just seem to go up. Most things in our area are as usual but in most all things we stick together and really we remain a pretty close-knit area. When there’s a celebration we get together and support, the same way when someone dies. We get together and offer our support as shown by the way the church is filled.
Most all public gatherings are followed by stories of mutual friendship and support. Once a very smart man said “80% of the newsworthy crime is committed by 6½% of the people.” As we look back on this time period, it looks like the same small group of people who cause all the trouble have been doing it for years. The trouble just seems to keep going on and on. Looking back over 30 years the same names keep coming up and the same trouble surfaces time and time again.
Every once in a while, mostly by luck, we have a good, honest politician, then all the good we think has been done is washed away by the bogus. In the period covered here I find it hard to come up with anything on the national scene which left us well impressed. If anything, this time taught us not to expect much from the people we elect. All we can do is hope for better.
By time we get a new president everyone I know is tired of the political mess and looks forward to the next year or the next election.
All the old timers say “What did you expect, it’s always been this way.”
We hear our folks and grandparents talk of the “old times” and in return get a blank look from us and now we talk of when we were growing up  and get this same blank look! Can you imagine putting on overshoes (what’s that?) to go to the bathroom? When the wind blew it rattled the blinds! (what are blinds?) Walk to school (4 miles) backward? Uphill? Both ways? Because shoes were expensive and hard to get, we went barefoot at home!?!
The next meeting of the 150-year Committee will be Thursday, Feb. 23 at 2 p.m.

Joe Reichlin, left, and Francis Reichlin at the home place in Keuterville. This may have been taken in the late 1920’s or early 1930’s

This Sale was done for Joseph Arnzen, grandfather of Shorty Arnzen, just before he left Illinois to come to Idaho. Joe and his family came out on the train, ending up at Stites where Barney Stubbers came with a wagon and brought them to Greencreek. They settled on the place where Wayne Arnzen lives at this time.

Another one of the stories to be featured in the 150-year History Book. With the history articles catching up to the current day, more of these will be featured in the Chronicle.

Remember When
Remember when…
You had to get up out of your chair to change channels on the TV?
Easter wasn’t Easter without a new hat?
The only disc you had in the car came off a field implement?
You carried a spare in your rig because you usually needed it?
“I lost my contacts” meant you lost the support of someone?
The last time you changed a tire?
When was the last time the person on either side of you smoked?
The last time you walked to church or the grocery store?
The last time you saw someone show affection in public?
You saw the gentleman open the door for the lady?
You were greeted or called by name when you entered a business?
You heard a ring of buzz in the car and it came from the outside?
When was the last time you bought something that wasn’t “new or improved?”
Did you ever think our main road through the Camas Prairie would have a 65 mph speed limit?
Remember when it was 50 or even 40? And 25 on most corners?
Remember going down to Lewiston in the family car? Little sis in the back had to go potty? Or better yet, little Ben wet his pants? Coming home dad stopped at a fruit stand and bought a bag of cherries?
Remember the Indian Tepees along the creek?
Remember when each member of the family had their place at Sunday church?

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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