to the editor from this week's Chronicle:
Dear Editor,
As a Prairie High School graduate, I am not only appalled, but I am
also disgusted with the way our community is handling this situation. Prairie
High School not only has staff members that greeted us every day with a
smile, but more than just that, they actually cared about us. Prairie High
School also has had the pleasure of having the greatest coaching staff
we will probably ever see. Not only are they coaches, but these are people
you know in your everyday life, people that care about you and are your
friends. Yes, and finally yet Prairie High School has students that are
indeed still in high school, still maturing, and yes “kids will be kids”.
I am not saying that what happened on the boy’s basketball bus was right
in any way. I am sickened by the fact that another student thinks it is
a joke and okay to put his genitals in another boys face. Is that what
humor and entertainment is these days? The thing that really irritates
me though is how judgmental our community is. Take a step back and look
at the people’s names that you all are slinging around in the mud. If you
think for one minute Dr. Teel Bruner, or any other coach on the staff,
would EVER try to hush up a situation, which indeed is sexual harassment,
then you do not know these men enough to be able to have any opinion. These
men should have the upmost respect from this town. They have tried teaching
the students at Prairie respect, dignity, and especially teamwork. One
incident that they had no idea about should not be enough for people to
forget all the good things they have done for our community. Did they not
build up Prairie athletics from absolutely nothing in just a few short
years? How many of you at any of those football and basketball games, where
these same coaches carried those boys through win or loss, supporting them,
and helping them get better to win who knows how many STATE championships?
There is no “I” in “Team”, and it takes some outstanding coaches to build
back the once hopeless athletic system at Prairie High School. These coaches
installed hope in our community again, and for that we should be forever
thankful to them. Those boys should be ashamed of their behavior
because our coaches take pride in coaching them. Most of all the people
in our community should be ashamed of their immature behavior, their incorrect
accusations, and most of all slinging a person’s name in the mud that had
no idea what was happening. I will forever respect, take pride, and continue
to support Dr. Teel Bruner, because he has given so much to a town that
apparently does not care. To any of you that do support Teel Bruner,
and the coaching staff, please attend the school board meeting on March
19 to show your support to those who have supported you.
Kendra Dinning
To the Editor;
Although I agree with Sharon Key’s letter to a point, I think a few
points are being overlooked. Any high school age students, even though
not bright, knows the difference between right and wrong. This “boys will
be boys” attitude is a lot of garbage, although I understand it to a point,
this action was not just some prank. It was a case of extreme bullying,
a practice that needs to be dealt with.
We were all outraged when this came to light, because it reflects badly
on the school and the community as a whole, especially when everyone was
celebrating the victory of the Girls Basketball Team at State. Then we
listen to KLEW TV news and hear our dirty laundry being aired. Who’s idea
was this anyway? People didn’t even know the facts, and the rumors were
flying. This incident should not be allowed to go unpunished and I don’t
mean just suspending the offenders, the persons being held responsible
should be the chaperones. Unless they are deaf and blind, they had to know
something was going on and should have stopped it. School Administrators
and school board, stand tough and do what you need to do.
Claudia Gehring
To All Community Taxpayer Members and Others,
First off I would like to say as a Taxpayer, parent and community member,
I am outraged by the recent turn of events. I am not upset with our school,
administration, or coaches, rather the adults that have voiced their opinion
with a lack of firsthand knowledge. Only the last two years have I taken
a less involved role in our community. For three years I coached basketball,
for approximately seven years coached wrestling, approximately six
years coached summer softball. I have volunteered in the classroom for
many years, chaperoned many extracurricular activities such as: jazz choir,
junior high band, mars rover, and many more high school and lower grade
field trips to fish hatchery, stream study, Winchester Park, and many many
more. I have questioned teachers throughout the years about my children’s
behavior, rules in the classroom/school, discipline, and grades. My point
is, I have taken an active role in knowing where my children go to school,
what the school policies are, and how classroom and bus responsibilities
are established. I have firsthand knowledge of policies and actions. I
do not go by hearsay, gossip, or rumors; I am involved.
I will let all know that our school is a fantastic place for our children
to learn and feel important by staff/administrators, and coaches. The incident
that took place was a bad choice/mistake made by teenage students. These
are teenagers who in their own home, do not need a 24/7 babysitter. All
people expect proper/appropriate behavior because at this age they know
what is expected; why, because they all have student handbooks and have
been told. If so many community members knew of prior rumors or similar
acts, why is it that concerned community members didn’t involve themselves
earlier? Why didn’t patrons go to their administrators and ask how to help
improve policies or monitoring? Why didn’t they voice their opinion in
the past in a more productive, positive manner? Instead, many have now
chosen to voice concerns in a very public, negative way. If members
of the community expect teachers and coaches to watch personal behavior
every second, then that’s all they will get paid for, because they will
not have time to educate or conference with other coaches about strategies,
techniques, etc.
If you are so concerned, maybe more parents and community members should
volunteer their time to monitor personal behaviors of students. Chaperone
the busses, chaperone the field trips, and volunteer your time in the classroom.
I would also like to say, as a taxpayer, I do not believe you have the
right to stand up and be judge and jury. If you, as an active parent that
is well involved in our school, have concerns, then by all means voice
them to the teachers, principals, or superintendent. I do not believe it
to be newsworthy or “public appropriate.” Many incidents, especially with
minor children, should be kept PRIVATE and confidential. You, as a taxpayer,
parent, or community member do not have the right to dictate how my children
are disciplined and their consequences. Nor should you think it is okay
to parade young children/minors in the public eye. The only people who
should ever be involved are the children in question, their parents, and
any needed authority figures. There are many incidents with other children
and ADULTS in this community, I may add, that I do not feel appropriate
consequences have been made. But, I do not go to their home and reprimand
them about disciplines or consequences. Why, because it really is not my
personal business unless it directly reflects on my children or family.
Communities as a whole will never agree 100% on actions taken but we
must trust that our school board and administrators took the best plan
of action. Whether you are 6, 16 or 36, you will, at times, make bad choices;
this is a fact of human nature. There are no fingers to point, no
one to blame besides the child. Things just happen. If you think there
is a lack of supervision, then volunteer your time. Just because kids are
in school or have extracurricular activities does not mean your role as
a parent stops or is on-hold until 3 o’clock or later after practice or
games. Community members with no children in our school district have the
same choice to make. To have a knowledge-based voice, volunteer your time
and see how things truly are. Let a lesson be learned and put this to rest
before more damage is done.
Jennifer Heitman
Taxpayer, Parent, and Supportive Community Member
Dear Editor Cottonwood Chronicle;
I want to commend Mckenzie Candalot for her courage to bring the light
of day to a sensitive subject, school bullying, that is prevalent in schools
in America today, even here in Idaho County. It is occurring far
more often than you would imagine. Yet next to nothing is being done.
Bullying is paid platitudes and a few words at an assembly and a poster
on the wall here and there, but, nothing substantial is being done.
I heard about the incident that Mckenzie mentioned. I don’t claim
to know all the details of this event, but even the bits and pieces that
I heard sent chills down my spine. I have personally seen the effects
of what a similar situation has done to a student victim.
Bullying is deplorable and illegal. Yes, bullying, hazing, and
battery are criminal acts (Idaho Code sections 18-917, 18-917a, 18-903). These
acts are being committed by students victimizing other students.
It is happening in schools within close proximity of the adults that are
charged with protecting them. Deny it if you choose, but it is. School
districts have shown little or no interest in prosecuting or punishing
the offenders for a variety of reasons. Ignoring the issue, or school
district funding, administrator’s egos, protecting employees children,
denial or rationalizations are all excuses used to fail to appropriately
deal with the situation. The excuses are all lame and reprehensible.
I know firsthand, my child was a victim of school bullying.
The school, Grangeville High School, completely failed my child.
They failed to follow their own policies even when confronted with admissions
from the bullies and a founded investigation by law enforcement.
I complained to the principal, the school superintendent, and the school
board. They were absolutely useless and refused to even follow their
own written policies. I wrote the state superintendent of public
instruction’s office and the governors’ office. Both told me
to sue the school district, that due to how school districts are set up
they had no authority to intervene to insure that the school district followed
their own policies. My point is parents protect your children. Don’t
assume anything and get involved. Make a determined effort to know
what is going on with your child and their friends. Don’t guess and don’t
assume. Bullying and Hazing is not “kid’s being kids”, its not “OK”, its
not “having a bad day,” it is criminal victimization and it is WRONG. Having
been through this myself as a parent, I recommend, if an incident occurs
report it, call the police, insist a report is taken and demand prosecution.
Demand the school district follow its policy, know what the policy is,
and hold them accountable. If you don’t take immediate affirmative
action on your child’s behalf you are telling your child that their victimization
does not matter. You are telling them that you tacitly approve of
them being in fear, or being hurt or being emotionally scarred by a classmate.
If you don’t deal with it your child is labeled as an easy victim and they
will likely be bullied again. If it has happened to your child it
has likely happened to others, numerous others, by the same bully or the
bully’s friends. You are either part of the problem or part of the
solution, you choose, your child’s safety and emotional well being are
hanging in the balance.
Rick Thanstrom
Grangeville |
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