the Patrons of District 242
It is hard to believe that we are in the second semester of the school year. The time has gone by quickly. This communication is intended to brief parents, patrons and students to the state of our public school district in school restructuring, course offerings and student performance, legislative action and budget, declining enrollment, the need for attendance, and appreciation for your school support. Our three year plan to restructure our school district is in its last phase. We will start construction on our elementary annex in March. With the Federal Forest Funds (most recently called Secure Rural Schools) our district has restructured and remodeled our facilities to house Kindergarten through Sixth grades (school year 2012-2013) and our Junior-Senior High a Seventh through Twelfth grade facility. Our previous elementary school is for sale. The gymnasium attached to that facility is being used heavily by our school and community. Tournaments, wrestling practice, and peewee girls and boys basketball are activities that are held in this gymnasium. We will continue to use this facility. At the beginning of the 2012-13 school year, students in Kindergarten and First grades will move to the elementary school (the old middle school) in the new annex. The Title and Special Services programs will be located in the new wing in the annex. The elementary as a whole will have more opportunity to share staffing and expertise across the Kindergarten through Sixth grade span. Our Center for Discovery (CFD) provides after school support as well as afternoon opportunities for younger students. CFD will be part of our elementary campus. Our junior high students have adjusted well to the new classrooms and setting. With the remodeling of the lower floor of the high school, junior high students have access to art, music, technology, industrial education, a new science lab, and advanced math opportunities. This arrangement has also provided a sharing of staff to provide more opportunities for our students. Our high school students are taking advantage of Dual Credit opportunities, IDLA and the many Professional Technical courses that are offered in our high school. Technology initiatives will provide professional development opportunities for staff and technology in the classrooms. The online course requirements will be met using the Idaho Education Network and our own staff. We continue to provide opportunities for students in the medical arena with the Region II Professional Technical Academy. School year 2011-2012 enrollment data shows an increase in students throughout the state. Our most recent numbers show an enrollment of 238 students in Fundamentals of Health, Medical Terminology, Certified Nurse Assistant and Pharmacy Technician. These courses are taught online with the clinic piece provided in each regional setting. With the legislature currently in session, we wait patiently for decisions on our funding for salaries and discretionary dollars. This information is necessary to determine the amount of our supplemental levy. We know that our enrollment for the next few years will be on a decline. District data School Year 2010-2011—Graduated 41 School Year 2011-2012—Kindergarten enrollment 19 (minus 21), Graduate 36 School Year 2012-2013—Projected Kindergarten enrollment 24 (minus 12), Graduate 43 School Year 2013-2014—Projected Kindergarten enrollment 22 (minus 21) Open enrollment for 2011-2012 total 26 students from outside districts With decreased enrollments comes a decrease in salary and discretionary monies. We will be looking at our overall staffing and our class requirements and will be preparing a budget from this data. School Attendance is critical to funding; when students miss school, the district loses money. We continue to stress the importance of attending school on a regular basis. Classroom conversations, homework and teacher direction provide a student with what it takes to understand and comprehend material. A financial piece to this puzzle resides in attendance data. Attendance examples A unit is worth around $89,000. At the elementary level 19 students make up a unit and at the high school level that unit is 12 students. Support for an elementary student is around $4,842 and a secondary student at $7,666. Cost per unit per day is $28 and $44 respectively. We use averages and a weighted average (best 28 weeks) to determine funding. Elementary example: First reporting period (44 days), Grades 1-6, 156 students, Perfect attendance: $192,000 Elementary example: First reporting period (44 days), Grades 1-6, 156 students, 97.9% attendance: $188,000 Secondary example: First reporting period (44 days), Grades 7-12, 213 students, Perfect attendance: $412,000 Secondary example: First reporting period (44 days), Grades 7-12, 213 students, 95.1% attendance: 393,000 We will continue to work with students and all staff to make Cottonwood School District the best school district in the state. (See our website for our statistics by district and by schools) Our facilities are scheduled daily with after school activities whether it be boy and girl scouts in the cafeteria, Safe and Drug Free gatherings after ball games, Anti Bullying activities for youth, PeeWee basketball and volleyball, Junior-High and High School practices, community volleyball and basketball activities , senior class meetings, Hunter Safety for youth and adults, drama and music productions…. Our facilities are being used on a regular basis. I appreciate all those that are in charge of these activities as your care and concern keep our facilities in good shape. Visit our website at and check out our gymnasium and cafeteria activities. For questions or a tour of our facilities, please contact the District office……… Thank you, Rene’ Forsmann, Superintendent |