to the editor from this week's Chronicle:
Dear Editor,
March is Colon Cancer Awareness month. As Mission Delivery Chair, I
want you to be aware of this cancer fact:
If you are 50 or older, you are at risk for colon cancer, even with
no symptoms or family history of the disease.
Please get tested for colon cancer and encourage others to do the same,
early detection could save your life! The grandmother of a fellow volunteer
was diagnosed with colon cancer at the young age of 35, the year was 1938.
She was one of the first to be treated with cobalt treatments at the Mayo
clinic. She watched what she ate and took care of herself and lived to
be over 94! Early detection screenings are saving lives nationwide. Get
your colonoscopy scheduled soon. If you have any family history, you may
want to consult your doctor about when you should have the test. There
is a colon cancer screening video, reminder and e-card available for you
to send to friends and family. Go to www.cancer.org under programs and
services to find out about this and many other invaluable resources.
Leah Roberg
Clearwater to Salmon Rivers Relay for Life Mission Delivery Chairperson
Dear Editor,
Idaho County Republicans responded wholeheartedly, for the First Republican
Presidential Caucus, held March 6th, in Grangeville, Idaho.
There were 681 present registered to vote in this county. As a note
of information there were 44,000 in the final vote in across the state.
In four years another one will be held, and next time we will make it better!
Also thanks to School District 244 for the use of the Grangeville Elementary
Multi-purpose room, plus the exceptional the Staff at the Elementary School
for their total cooperation.
Betty Alm,
ICRCC Secretary |
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