Friends of NRA banquet set
With a new date, new location, and new faces the Camas Prairie Friends of NRA are planning a splendid event complete with a prime rib dinner, silent and live auction and games galore!   The funds from this event support Idaho projects such as Grangeville Hunter Education, Upper Clearwater Community Foundation, KCPC Drug Free Community Programs and much more.  Non-profit organizations are eligible to apply for these grants and you can ask any committee member how to apply.  
The Friday, May 4th event will be packed with NRA merchandise, knives and of course…GUNS.  There will even be merchandise for the ladies.  AND did I mention GUNS?  The location is the Greencreek Community Hall and doors open at  5:30 and you must purchase your dinner ticket in advance.  
Dinner tickets are available from Rae Bros. Sporting Goods; Central Idaho Agency in Grangeville, Kamiah or Cottonwood; Idaho Country Properties in Kooskia  or any FNRA committee member for $35.00 each.  There are also other packages available with raffle ticket vouchers and “High Roller” tickets.  Sponsorships are also still available.  Purchase your tickets by April 12th and double your raffle vouchers and a chance for a gun.  Don’t forget to ask about the “Idaho state 100 Gun Raffle” which draws every month and an Idaho County resident has already won and can continue to win.  The Camas Prairie FNRA also has a “winners choice raffle” and tickets are $10.00.  Prizes on this raffle are a Mossberg 500 Pump action Combo Real Tree HD; $500.00 shopping spree at Askers Harvest Foods or Rae Bros. Sporting Goods or a PMR-30.
Committee members are:  Stan Hawkins, Chairman, 983-2292; Pam Swanstrom, Co-Chair; Mike Daly, Treas.; Lu Crea, Secretary; Mel Hawkins, Kevin Asker, Dane Crea, Cindy Daly, Mark Imus, Patty Lazenby, Mike Crea, Mandy Crea, Ted Inman and Paula McCulley.  Contact any of these people for more information on how to attend, donate and participate in this fun filled event.  

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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503 King St.
P.O. Box 157
Cottonwood, ID 83522-0157
Fax 208-962-7131
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