Tri-Parish Youth events for April
Dear Youth in Christ,
The raindrops are falling as I’m writing this letter! Each droplet reminds me of the invitation toward growth.  The Spring flowers begin to speak words of beauty and greatness as they stretch toward the light of newness.  It is here in this invitation of greatness we invite you to stretch your roots and joins us in this months youth activities of praise, prayer, worship, retreat, study, fun and fellowship!
We will begin the most sacred week of the year by doing nothing.  You are invited to slow down and reflect on the beauty of this week.  I challenge you to take a few minutes each day to sit in the quiet of the story of your faith.  You may be surprised at just how blessed this week can be as you prepare for the Tridium.  May Easter Sunday bring you many blessings as you celebrate with family and friends.  “Rejoice, the Lord has risen”!
On April 9th I will meet with Sierra at 6:30 p.m. in my office.  We will begin our mystagogy process.  Congratulations Sierra on your baptism!  We are so excited to have you join our Church family! On April 10th the small group Bible study will meet in Debbie’s office @ 6:00 p.m.  We will have pizza @ 5:30.  Please bring your Bible and be prepared to discuss Samuel, chapter 8.  All High School peer ministers are invited to the OMG room @ 7:00 p.m. on April 12th to plan the April REACH session.  Please bring your ideas.  On April 14th –15th the Jr. High and High School youth will attend a retreat in Lapwai.  We will meet on Sat. morning at 8:30 a.m. in the Church parking lot.  Please bring your form, $35.00, and retreat items.  (If you need a form for the retreat please pick one up from Debbie at the parish office or Sarah at the Jr. High Release Time).  
On April 15th , the Confirmation class will meet @ the new Religious Ed. Building @ 7:00 p.m.  Our focus will be on the Sacrament of Confirmation.  Please bring your assignments, Saint reports, and money if you haven’t paid for the class yet! On April 16th the Relay for Life team will meet @ 7:00 p.m. @ the OMG to discuss theme ideas, had out luminary bags, and work on fund raising ideas.  If you plan on walking in the July, Relay for Life cancer walk you need to be present!  You need your help! On April 18th @ 6:30 p.m. the High School peer ministers will host the Jr. High REACH session.  All Peer Ministers need to be present @ 6:00 p.m.  We will have praise and worship @ 6:30 and will continue with the REACH session.  All Jr. High and High School youth are invited! 
On April 21st, all youth and adults who have been involved in youth ministry are invited to help set up the ministry booth @ the Greencreek hall @ 6:00 p.m.  
On April 22nd, the 5th grade will be hosting a Youth Mass @ St. Anthony’s @ 10:00 a.m.  After the Liturgy, the PFFP High School youth will be hosting a baked food sale @ the Greencreek Hall.  The youth will also be present at the Ministry Fair in the hall so please stop by and see us.  We would love to show you what we’ve been doing this year.  Please know we would love it if you could join us in this ministry.  There are lots of areas of service and your presence will make the difference in the lives of our young people! We can’t wait to see you!  
On April 24th the small group Bible study will meet in Debbie’s office for pizza @ 5:30 and study @ 6:00 p.m. Please bring your Bible.  We will continue our study on Samuel.  On April 25th we will meet @ the OMG @ 6:30 p.m. to gather as a group to go bowling in Craigmont. If you haven’t filled out a blue registration sheet you will need to do so prior to leaving.  Please bring money for bowling and food! 
It is in newness we flourish and stretch. Come and see how God shows up as you stretch to meet the “Son”.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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