drive falls short of goal
The Cottonwood Blood Drive goal of 90 fell short this time due to several factors; spring break, illnesses and several donors who had recently traveled out of the country. “However even with all that against us we still had 82 useable units, which isn’t too bad considering we had fifteen cancellations right before the blood drive,” commented co-chair Brenda Kaschmitter. “Luckily we had several walk-ins who made up for some of the cancellations.” “I would like to give a special thanks to our first time donors; I understand that giving blood for the first time can be a scary experience so I really appreciate our first timers and hope they will become regular donors,” said Cheri Holthaus co-chair. “Those who donated for the first time were; Nicole Lynn Frei, Mary Wimer, Barbara Buettner, Dakota Wilson, Savannah Moudy, Garrett Schmidt, Natalie Latimer, Brett Uhlenkott and Courtney Seubert. We also had a couple who received millstone pins; Jean Poxleitner and Sheila Long both received 6 gallon pins.” “Once again the success of our blood drive depends largely upon our volunteers,” said Kaschmitter. “We honestly could not hold a blood drive without them. We would like to thank Marlene Jungert, Theresa Uptmor, Anna Gehring, Audrey Uhlenkott, Doris Sonnen, Bobbie Schmidt, Sally Rehder, Darla Whitley, Sue Sonnen and Starla Schumacher. With a special thanks to the VFW Post 491 for supplying a meal for the Red Cross workers. We also want to thank NICI for allowing several of their inmates to come to the hall and help set up and tear down.” The next blood drive is scheduled for June 12th; please contact Brenda Kaschmitter or Cheri Holthaus at 962-3251 if you would like to make an appointment. Mother and son duo of Teresa and Garrett Schmidt after they both donated blood-Garrett was a first time donor. SMH employee Arlene Baerlocher smiles while being prepped to donate blood. |