ROCKS update
The speakers for Prairie ROCKS this week were Bill and Eileen Uhlenkott, parents of Fr. Ben Uhlenkott. It was beautiful to hear how this couple lovingly, yet quietly and gently supported their son as he shared with them that he felt he may be called to the priesthood. The first time he told them he was considering religious life was when he was in second grade! Naturally, they let some time go by, but when Ben seemed dissatisfied with college life, Bill asked him if he thought any more about becoming a priest. Bill and Eileen completely supported his decision from the moment they heard him answer “Yes.” They told the class that they have learned so much from their son. He has taught them that it is good to challenge yourself by getting out of your comfort zone in order to grow. As a class, we talked about challenging ourselves by listening attentively and purposefully during mass then writing a few thoughts about what we think the Holy Spirit might be saying to us. To take it one step further, we will also each write a resolution based on our inspirations from scripture and the homily. With this challenge we will grow spiritually by stretching ourselves just little steps at a time.