committee meets
The 150-year committee met at the Cottonwood Library on Thursday April 26th at 2pm Jeanne Arnzen reported she is working on the largest group of stories converting them from Word to Publisher and adding the photos to the stories. The stories without pictures go the fastest. After they are in publisher she proof reads the story and looks to make sure the computer has not lost part of the story or changed the wording. We will have a second person proof read each story. Claudia Gehring is working on the stories that are in bits and pieces. Mostly seem to be business and organizations. If your business or organization has not turned its story you mail email it to 150yearstory@gmail.com or drop it by US Bank. We Her goal is to have these 300 stories mostly done by our next meeting which is in June. At that time committee members will be able to sign up for stories to take home and proof read a second time. In other business the cover design was discussed. Some of the committee members would like to see a grouping of old photos; however, it was previously decided to have a cover contest and we would like to see what artwork could represent the story. We would like the person who designs the cover to be someone living here in the story area (Cottonwood Greencreek Keuterville and Ferdinand area of school district 242) The cover design should represent the people/ work history of the above area. Next week we will get the info out on the cover contest