earn lots of scholarships
35 members of the Prairie High School class of 2012 received diplomas Friday, May 25 during commencement ceremonies. Valedictorians Mckenzie Candalot, Samantha Keating, MaKayla Schaeffer and Megan Sigler, Salutatorian Troy Lorentz, high honors students Torin Dalgliesh, MeShel Rad, Demetria Riener, Josh Roeper and Amanda Stinson and honors students Breanna Bianchi, Jennifer Gimmeson, Monica Lustig, Samantha Poxleitner, Justin Schmidt, Kyle Uhlenkott and Joshwa Zigler all received medals recognizing their accomplishments. Lorentz, Candalot and Keating each gave their speeches and Schaeffer and Sigler did a combined speech much like older siblings NaTosha Schaeffer and David Sigler did two years earlier. Theresa Carter gave the commencement speech and did it from a different podium on the other end of the stage where she could address the students. Several local scholarships awards were noted and following is a list of the scholarships received that the school is aware of: Breanna Bianchi: Drug Free, $300; LCSC Promise, $500; LCSC Provost, $500. Kyle Bower: Carl Gibbs Memorial, $100. Mckenzie Candalot: College of Idaho Fine Arts, $3000; Robert Lee Promise B, $500 renewable; Sr. Maryclare Kelly & Sr. Stephanie Wardle, $500; Gear-up Scholarship. Torin Dalgliesh: Idaho County Farm Bureau, $1000; Presidential, $1000; Freshman, $500; Idaho Promise, $500; Laura Cunningham, $3000; Idaho County Farm Bureau, $1000; Gear-up. Tim Frei: Prairie High Industrial Teach, $300; Logan Lustig Memorial, $500. Samantha Keating: Mindt Heart, $19,000, renewable; Diversity, $2000; John Kernan Memorial, $340; Idaho County Farm Bureau, $1000; Tri-Parish Youth Ministry, $250. Troy Lorentz: Gear-Up; Idaho Promise, $500; Presidential, $1000; Freshman, $500; Cliff Holthaus Memorial, $200; Maurice Shinn, $250; Drug-Free, $200. Monica Lustig: Idaho Promise, $500; LCSC Provost, $500. Savannah Moudy: Bert Lute Memorial, $200. Robert Nau: Thomas Nau Memorial, $500; Gear-up. MeShel Rad: WWCC Foundation’s Emigh Family, $1500; Northwest Athletic Association, $3075. Justin Schmidt: Go Idaho, $1500 renewable; Idaho Robert Lee Promise-B, $500; Freshman Access, $750. Demetria Riener: Presidential, $1000; Freshman, $500; Idaho Promise, $500; Counselor Leadership, $250; Idaho Governor Cup, $3,000 renewable; Cliff Holthaus Memorial, $200; Camas Professional Counseling, $250. Joshus Roeper: Gear-up; UI Academic Achievement, $6000; Freshman Access, $2500; Robert R. Lee Promise, $500; Citizenship Award (Cottonwood Lion’s Club scholarship) $150. MaKayla Schaeffer: Go Idaho Gold, $2500 renewable; Academic Achievement Level G, $2500; Freshman Access, $2500; Robert R. Lee Promise, $500 renewable; Cliff Holthaus Memorial, $200; Elsie Kinzer Memorial, $200; Travis Uhlenkott Memorial, $500; Prairie Education Association, $200; St. Mary’s Hospital Employees, $500. Cody Schumacher: Jacob Riener Memorial, $500. Megan Sigler: Presidential, $15,000 renewable; Pacesetters, $2000 renewable; Citizenship Award (Cottonwood Lion’s Club scholarship) $150. Amanda Stinson: Presidential, $1000; Freshman, $500; Idaho Promise, $500; Ron Wemhoff Memorial, $1000. Kyle Uhlenkott: Tri-Parish Youth Ministry, $250; Idaho Promise, $500 annual. Cassie Weightman: Travis Uhlenkott Memorial, $500. Joshwa Zigler: Gear-up; Freshman Access, $1500; Robert R. Lee Promise, $500. The four co-valedictorians just prior to receiving their medallions. From left are MaKayla Schaeffer, Megan Sigler, Samantha Keating and Mckenzie Candalot.