Ferdinand Good Neighbor awards presented
The purpose of the Good Neighbor Award contest is to recognize home and business gardens for the special beauty they add to the community.  The winners receive a Certificate suitable for framing from the Nezperce Garden Club, signed by the Garden Clubs of Idaho State President and the Nezperce Garden Club President.  A sign for either floral or vegetable garden is placed in the winning gardens and the winners will also be featured in the 2013 Nezperce Garden Club calendar.
On July 9, 2012 Mitzi Imhoff received the Good Neighbor Award for her Flower Garden.  Mitzi has a large variety of plants, with something always in bloom.  Landscaped all around the house, 3 feet out that is nicely kept.
Millie Wimer received the Good Neighbor Award for her Vegetable Garden.   Millie’s yard is very well kept and has a large variety of nice looking vegetables.
Honorable mention for Flowers goes to Bill & Joan Kehler.  Their yard has very nice eye appeal and a beautifully maintained fountain.
Deborah Wassmuth also received an Honorable mention for Flowers.   Deb has a wide variety of interesting flowers.
Honorable mention for Vegetables goes to Mick Forsman.  Mick has a neat and very unusual looking Tobacco plant potted up on the steps of his home.
Nezperce will be judged this week.

Mary Ann Kuther, Vice President of the Nezperce Garden Club and winner Millie Wimer receiving certificate.

Mitzi Imhoff, left, receives the Good Neighbor Award from the Nezperce Garden Club for her flower garden. Club VP Mary Ann Kuther presents the award. 

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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