Summit school calendar
Below is the Summit Academy school calendar for the 2012-2013 school year.
* denotes dress uniform days.
August: 15th-New teacher orientation begins; 20th-First day for all faculty; 29th-Opening day of the 2012-2013 academic year
September: 3rd-Labor Day, No School; 7th-First Friday Adoration*; 8th-Birth of Mary; 15th-Our Lady of Sorrows; 27th-1st quarter midterm ends
October: 5th- First Friday Adoration*; 6th-Mystery Night 2012; 26th-1st quarter ends 942 days); 29th-2nd quarter begins; 31st-Holyween
November: 1st-All Saints Day; Parent-Teacher Conferences, no school for students; 2nd-All Souls Day; Faculty In-service; 4th-Daylight Savings Time ends; 21st-Early dismissal at 12 noon for Thanksgiving Break; 22nd-Thanksgiving Day; 25th-Feast of Christ the King; 30th-2nd quarter midterm ends
December: 2nd-First Sunday of Advent; 7th- First Friday Adoration*; 8th-Immaculated Conception; 14th-Nativity Play (tentative); 21st-Early dismissal at 12 noon for Christmas Break; 25th-Christmas Day—Have a happy and holy Christmas!
January: 1st-Solemnity of Mary Mother of God; New Year’s Day; 4th- First Friday Adoration*; 6th-Epiphany; 11th-2nd quarter ends (43 days); 12th-Baptism of Our Lord; 14th-3rd quarter begins; 18th-Teacher In-service, no school for students; 28th-Teacher’s Day, St Thomas Aquinas’ feast day
February: 1st- First Friday Adoration*; 2nd-Presentation of Our Lord; Rose Ball; 12th-3rd quarter midterm ends; 13th-Ash Wednesday*--Lent begins; 14th-Valentine’s Day; 18th-President’s Day, no school
March: 1st- First Friday Adoration*; 7th-Spring Show; 10th-Daylight Savings Time begins; 15th-3rd quarter ends (43 days); 18th-4th quarter begins; 19th-Principal’s Day, St. Joseph’s feast day; 21st-Parent-Teacher Conferences, no school; 22nd-Teacher In-service, no school for students; 24th-Palm Sunday; 28th-Holy Thursday*; Early dismissal at 12 noon for Easter Vacation; 29th-Good Friday; 30th-Holy Saturday; 31st-Easter Sunday, Have a blessed Easter!
April: 1st-5th-Easter Vacation; 8th-Annunciation* celebrated, school resumes; 16th-Pope Benedict XVI’s birthday; 19th-Pope Benedict XVI’s papal election anniversary—students may wear white/khaki, gold/yellow; 25th-Fourth quarter midterm ends; 25th-28th-Spring Play
May: 3rd- First Friday Adoration*; 10th-May Crowning* (tentative); 12-Ascencsion celebrated, Mother’s Day; 14th-Public Class for 7th-12th; 16th-Senior Luncheon; 19th-Pentecost Sunday; 21st-Public Class for 1st-6th; 23rd-Final class day for Preschoolers; 24th-Final class day for Kindergartners and 12th graders; 27th-Memorial Day, No School; 30th-Bike-a-thon & School Picnic; 31st-Early dismissal at 12 noon; 4th quarter ends (45 days); Senior Graduation

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