Two ordinances approved
Two ordinances were approved at the September meeting of the Cottonwood City Council Monday, Sept. 10.
Ordinance #232, addressing open alcohol containers in public places clears up some concerns about the previous ordinance. 
Ordinance #233 addresses the fact that the fine for dog issues was less than what court costs are. This changes those issues to infractions with the fines set by the state so they shouldn’t have to change this ordinance again when court costs go up. Both are printed on page 10 of this week’s Chronicle.
The ordinance on outside burning was again tabled to the next meeting.
In other business Jay Hinterlong of Idaho County Recycling reported that Cottonwood is close to getting its own recycling site. ICR has applied for a grant that looks to have a very good chance of being awarded. The awarding is to be around the first of October and if they get it he would like to see Cottonwood’s site up and running by November 1, weather permitting. The location is along Broadway near where the railroad tracks were. Hinterlong said the plan is to have things set up so it will be a loop drive for patrons. They could go up a ramp toss out their recyclables and go back down and come back out on Broadway. He is looking at using as many local resources as possible to get the recycling site built.
Brittny Mundt appeared and said she is looking at starting her dance classes the end of October and go through the end of January. She asked if there is a possibility of a second day during the week. She would know more whether she might need it once she talks with the parents of her students.
In the water report there is still some substantial loss being seen. Pat Holthaus reported the city pumped 6.3 million gallons and sold 5.35 million gallons for a 15% loss. Roy Uhlenkott said they found and fixed some leaks and decided to replace the hydrant at the fire station they’ve been having trouble with. Especially since it is the most used hydrant in town. Uhlenkott also reported that the issues with well #2 seem to be resolved and that they rebuilt the clay valve on well #4 and it is working better.
In the streets report Jack Duman said he was looking into a grant for another speed sign similar to those at the Elementary School. They would look at placing it near the trestle on Front Street facing west as there is a speeding problem for those coming down the hill into town from a 45 to a 25 zone.
In the land and buildings report a budget adjustment was approved to transfer $2,000 from the general fund to the parks and recreation fund to make up for a budget shortfall due to the cost of the new poles along the border of the park.
In the fire department report there was one call during the month for an alarm at the Elementary School. There were also some repairs made to engine #10 which had electrical problems.
Bad debts were written off. This year they amounted to around $150 compared to well over $600 in past years. City Clerk Carol Altman said the $200 deposit is making a difference.
A catering permit was approved for Doreen’s to cater the Brats and Brew event for the Library on Nov. 3.
The council meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m. The next regular meeting will be Tuesday, October 9 due to the Columbus Day Holiday falling on the regular meeting night. The meeting will still start at 7 p.m.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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