Homecoming is next week
Homecoming week is set for September 17 – 21, 2012.  The Pirates will take on the Lapwai Wildcats in a 7:00 PM Football game.  
Following is a list of activities for the week:
Monday September 17: Theme:  Cinco de Mayo
JV Football @ CV
Tuesday September 18:  Theme:  Old Folks Day
Powder Puff Practice – if the girls would like to practice.
Volleyball – Varsity only vs.  Highland and Summit @ Home
Wednesday September 19:  Theme: Generation Day:  Seniors – dress for the future, Juniors – 70’s and 80’s, Sophomores – 1800’s (Little House on the Prairie look), Freshmen – Cavemen and Faculty will be Hippies
Powder Puff Football @ 7:00 PM
Pep Rally following the game with the band, cheerleaders and coaches
Bonfire immediately after the game (if allowed to have one).  To date we will not have a bonfire due to fire restrictionsL.  
Thursday September 20:  Theme:  Duct Tape Day
Volleyball at Troy
Friday September 21:  Spirit Day
Parade line-up @ 5:30 at Gem Builders – band is included
Homecoming Football game @ 7:00
Half-time activities – procession of floats, band plays
Announce float winner
Announce queen candidates and their escorts, and senior football players as king candidates.
Announce Homecoming King and Queen – Crowning
Homecoming Dance will be held at the auxiliary gym following the game until 11:30 PM.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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P.O. Box 157
Cottonwood, ID 83522-0157
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