Town Hall meeting on educational propositions
There will be a Town Hall Meeting Wednesday, October 17 at 7 p.m. at Grangeville Elementary and Middle School  on the 3 education propositions that will be voted on Nov. 6.
Jason Hancock, Deputy Chief of Staff for the Idaho State Department of Education will be doing the presentation. He wrote the legislation that is being voted on and conducted it through the state legislature. He is very knowledgeable on this issue and these laws.
Discussed will be:
Proposition 1 – “Shall the legislation limiting negotiation agreements between teachers and local school boards and ending the practice of issuing renewable contracts be approved?”
Proposition 2 – “Shall the legislation providing teacher performance pay based on state-mandated test scores, student performance, hard-to-fill positions and leadership be approved?”
Proposition 3 – “Shall the legislation amending school district funding, requiring provision of computing devices and online courses for high school graduation be approved?”
The Town Hall Meeting is sponsored by the Idaho County Republican Central Committee.

Republican committee to meet
The Idaho County Republican Central Committee will be holding a meeting next Tuesday, Oct. 16 at 6 p.m. at the Super 8 Motel meeting room in Grangeville.
Wayne Hoffman, Executive Director of Idaho Freedom Foundation will speak about opposing implementation of Obamacare Health Insurance exchanges in Idaho.
Everyone is welcome to attend. 
The business meeting will follow.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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