Karel Crohn’s Kids raise over $4350
The Eastern Washington Take Steps Walk was held in Spokane, WA on September 29th at Mirabeau Point Park.  Several hundred people participated in this walk to help raise money for the fight against Crohn's and Colitis.  Thank you to all the generous donors - friends, family members and businesses who helped the Karel Crohn's Kids raise over $4350!! for Crohn's and Colitis Research!   We had more that 70 WONDERFUL donors!!  Your support was overwhelming and humbling, and will greatly help with research at the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation.   Your donations put Northern Idaho on the Eastern Washington map :-)   The Karel Crohn's Kids were the top fundraising team and Anthony shared the top fundraising award with another young lady.  Then, the week after the Take Steps Walk - Anthony had $1000 more donated in his name.  Together, all of the teams at the Spokane Take Steps Walk raised nearly $30,000 for Crohn's and Colitis Research!  Many of you took advantage of our sweet deal of getting a batch or caramels with a $75.00 donation or more.  In fact, we will be making and delivering 30 batches of caramels to these donors in November and December :-) 
At the Take Steps Walk on September 29th we prayed for all of the donors and shared your donation notes with the group.  Many of you told of who you were donating in honor of - and tears were shed as some shared their story.  Several told of a family member who suffered in silence and pain for so many years, and some expressed gladness that attention to Crohn's and Colitis will help others understand the sometimes debilitating effects of these diseases.  
We had hoped to raise maybe one or two thousand dollars, but this far surpassed those goals!  If anyone still wants to donate, or learn more about the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America, you can go to www.ccfa.org and find the Karel Crohn's Kids team - or go to http://online.ccfa.org/site/TR/2012TakeStepsWalk/Chapter-Northwest?team_id=114406&pg=team&fr_id=3233  The Take Steps Eastern Washington can still meet their $30,000 goal with your help.  
God Bless our Donors - Francis & Angie Karel, Fred's Body Shop - Rod & June Behler, Jerry & Janet Richardson, Dave & Gloria Warner, Greg & Lydia Deiss, Jeff & Carla Wilkins, Jenifer Von Bargen, Jim & Pauline Spangler, Jo Ann & Eugene McHugh, Joe & Debbie Chicane, Joe & Kathy Kuther, Joe Ahlers, Joe & Arlene Baerlocher,  John & Renee Karel, Justin & Elizabeth Nuxoll, Kathleen & Tom Cahill, Ken & Barb Clark, Kevin & Angie Terhaar & girls, Dan & Laurie Karel, Laurie Workman, Louis & Linda Stubbers, Luke Hoene, Mary Leitch, Betty Johnson, Michelle Ward, Emma Karel, Mike Arnzen, Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Nuxoll, Pat & Lorrie Poxleitner, Paul, Becky, Nina & Henry Terhaar, Ralph & Sally Terhaar, Robert & Jill Terhaar Lewis and family, René Forsmann, Robin Villarreal, Ron & Carole Thaxton, Ruth Berning, Sally Rehder, Joe & Bonnie Schacher, Scott Ruhoff, Scotty & Marcia Brammer,  Fred Arnzen, Norma Schumacher, Sherry Holthaus, Tammy Everson, Joe & Carole Biltz & family, The Spencer Schumacher Family, Todd & Carrie Nygaard, George & Sue Terhaar, Vern & Lynn Sonnen, Rhonda & Jim Wemhoff & family, Carol & Greg Adams & family, Andy & Molly Terhaar & family, Barby & Kraig Carroll, Bart & Lorraine Nuxoll, Brenda Hill, Camille & Kevin Talbot, Carol Adams, Cathy Hansen, Chuck & Betty Mader, Connie Schumacher, Curt & Joan Terhaar, Danny & Dixie Schwartz, Dave & Lisa Nightingale, Deborah Woodhouse, Diane Way, Don & Irma Tacke, Eloise Riener - Riener Concrete, Eric & Alea Wassmuth,  Merna Gehring & several Anonymous donors.  
Thank you!
-The Karel Crohn's Kids team

Pictured are the Karel Crohn's Kids Take Steps team and family. Back row from L to.R. Luke Hoene, Michelle Ward, Emma Karel, Kevin Karel, Dan Karel, Angie & Kevin Terhaar.   Front & Middle rows - Jon & Angie Hoene, Anthony Karel, Calista Karel, Rosalind Terhaar, Laurie Karel & Ruth (Tacke) Berning. Gwen & Emalene Terhaar are in the stroller

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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