to the editor from this week's Chronicle:
To the Editor:
I was shocked when Jim Chmelik praised the members of our congressional
delegation for voting against the reauthorization of the Secure Rural Schools
funding. I spent four years on the School Board of Dist. 242 and
saw first hand the importance of SRS funds for our schools. These
funds help our rural children have the same advantages of larger districts
with a huge tax base. These payments are not “welfare payments” nor
an example of too much government but the fact that the owner of 83% of
the land in our country needs to pay their fair share of the property tax,
just like we all do to benefit our schools and roads. Jim Rehder
has said he will work to restore the SRS funds for our counties and keep
our children in competition and that is why I plan to vote for Jim Rehder
for Idaho County Commissioner.
Linda Stubbers
Letter to the Editor:
Proposition One is set up to limit teachers rights to negotiate any
issues other than pay and benefits. It excludes teachers from addressing
funding of programs, class size and safety issues. It eliminates teacher
early retirement incentives and eliminates continuing contract status.
The early retirement incentive program allowed teachers to retire early,
bringing in new teachers. The program didn’t cost the state, it saved the
state money.
Continuing contract status was established to eliminate the threat
of people losing their jobs over trivial matters.If the proper steps are
followed by building administrators, the system works, by providing teachers
with the support necessary to improve their performance.
Teachers are professionals. We are entrusted with your children approximately
180 days a year, not counting the endless evenings and weekends spent on
activities. The majority of teachers chose this profession to help others,
not get rich. We are enriched by seeing young minds come alive, strive
to do better, and watching them become successful citizens in our society.
Who knows better the issues that your children deal with than the teachers
who see them daily.
Prop One is bad legislation.
Jerry Richardson
Peace, Not War!
Dear Editor:
Is an imperialist-minded U.S. government preparing to strike yet more
sovereign nations in the Middle East? In Heaven's name, I ask WHY?
And why are supposedly good, freedom-loving Americans - - tens of millions
of professing Christians among them - - so silent in the face of it?
Does such domineering, U.S. militarism bear any resemblance at all
to the spirit of the documents which founded this nation?!
What has Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Egypt, Yemen, Syria or Iran ever
done to harm us......prior to our threatening and invading them?
In his Farewell Address, President George Washington urged both non-alignment
and peaceful relations with all nations.
Jesus taught only peace and love, yet today, millions who call Him
Lord mindlessly, tragically, wave flags of war.
Stop believing the political lies, America, and start reining in your
power-crazed, renegade government. If we do not, I fear we will soon
experience the retribution of war right here on our own soil. And,
although with regret, I would say, justly so.
To find and follow truth, we must stop worshiping at the feet of the
likes of CNN and FOX News. (Just two among many alternatives:
www.republicbroadcasting.org and www.oriontalkradio.com.)
Far better that we commit to guarding God-given rights and liberties
here at home, than continue to pay to have "democracy" forced on other
Thank You.
Carol Asher
Kamiah, Idaho
Letter to the Editor:
Facts about the education propositions are:
If you vote yes on Proposition 1, you will put the school boards
and the parents who elect the boards back in control of the schools.
Teachers' unions will be limited to open one year negotiations for wages
and health insurance, and must be backed by over 50% of the teachers. Parents
can give feedback on teacher performance evaluations.
If you vote no on Proposition 1, you will keep the teachers' unions
in control of schools as the teachers unions can continue to negotiate
for all management decisions (even deciding when the bell rings) behind
closed doors with less than 50% of the teachers. The school boards
will continue to lose control, having to agree with them. Parent feedback
on teacher performance evaluations are not required.
The NEA has spent $1.1 million to defeat these propositions.
The state can’t be spending that much taxpayer money to counteract the
false ads. The IEA has spent at least .2 million.
If you vote yes on proposition 2, effective teachers will be rewarded
with bonuses. Effective teachers and effective schools will be rewarded
based 70% on how the children progress during the year, only 30% on grades. Tenure
will be phased out with the new teachers coming in.
If you vote no on proposition 2, then teachers will continue to be
paid by how long they teach. Tenure will continue and school boards
will not be able to fire teachers who are not effective.
The misinformation from the unions is that the $38 million
for pay for performance is just a transfer of money from teacher's
salaries within the education budget. The truth is that the $38 million
is extra money added to the education fund from the general fund.
If you vote yes on Proposition 3, you will guarantee that each student
will have a laptop to use and there will be a two credit on-line course
required to graduate. Seniors can take a year’s worth of state funded
college credits.
If you vote no on proposition 3, there will be no required laptops
and the state will have to come up with more money to buy the more expensive
textbooks. The two credits of on-line learning is still required
by law. College credits must be paid by parents or the students.
The claim is that computers replace teachers. The
truth is that they do not replace teachers, but gives teachers more time
to help struggling students. Our students have become visual learners.
It has been proven that students are motivated by computers.
The assertion is that the local district pays for the upkeep of the
computers. The truth is that the state requires the contractor to
maintain the upkeep of the computers. Textbooks
on the long run are much more expensive than computers.
All of these reform education laws have been enacted in part by some
other states so they are not new. Idaho has the most comprehensive
reforms so the teachers' unions are fighting the hardest in Idaho. Teachers
are paid with taxpayer money to attend many union functions.
The union bosses are paid wages that are in the hundreds of thousands.
A meeting to explain this is being held on Wednesday the 17th at 7
pm at the Grangeville Elementary Multipurpose room.
If you have questions, please call 208 962-7718, or go to websites:
www.idahofreedomfoundation.org, www.ice-pac.net , or www.yes4idaho.com
Senator Sheryl Nuxoll
Dear Editor,
Is Jim Chmelik or Marge Arnzen running for County Commissioner?
By her letter to the editor in last week’s local newspapers, it’s Idaho
County Republican Chair Marge Arnzen. After all, she’s the one with
the “purity test.” Remember the primaries? She punished two
Republican candidates who didn’t turn their “test” in on time by purging
the ticket of anybody who dared disobey her.
What’s the upshot? We have three county commissioners who answer
to Mrs. Arnzen before they answer to Idaho County.
I want that to change, and that’s why I’m voting for Jim Rehder.
Mr. Rehder doesn’t need permission to make the right decisions for Idaho
County. There is no intermediary, no ridged ideology and no party
apparatus standing between him and the people he represents. With
him, Idaho County comes first.
Jim Rehder has three times the experience of his opponent and a proven
record of acting on our behalf. The only test that matters is his
commitment to the people of Idaho County and he’ll ace that test every
Carl Skyrman
Lucile, Idaho
To the Editor,
Of all the "bad" bills passed by the current Idaho Legislature, the
"Luna Laws" were the most egregious and damaging. Despite hundreds
of teachers, students, parents and education advocates testifying against
the bills, our out-of-touch representatives voted yes anyway. The
furious backlash resulted in a successful state-wide petition drive to
put the measures on the ballot as Propositions 1, 2 and 3.
Sheryl Nuxoll, Paul Shephard and Shannon McMillan voted lock-step yes
for the Luna Laws, once again demonstrating their willingness to let narrow
ideology trump the well-being of education in Idaho -- a state ranked so
low in education funding and support it's now dubbed "the Mississippi of
the West". Doesn't that make you proud?
The Luna Laws, at best, are punitive measures against teachers and
students. Mr. Luna and the legislature will continue under-mining
education in Idaho until there's nothing left but some battered laptops
and rich out-of-state companies.
District 7 voters have the opportunity to truly "reform" education
by rejecting the Luna Laws and electing genuine pro-education candidates.
Casey Drews and Nancy Lerandeau are passionate about improving Idaho's
education funding and attitudes. By voting NO on Propositions 1,
2 and 3 and voting FOR Casey Drews and Nancy Lerandeau, we can begin the
reclamation process of Idaho's education system.
Shelley Dumas
Grangeville |
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