continue this week
The Historical Museum Fall Lecture Series continues on Thursday, October 18 at 7:00 pm with Dr. David Adler and his presentation, “Presidential Greatness.” This lecture is an exploration of the often-conflicting expectations that Americans have of their presidents. For example, we often demand strong, popular leadership, yet we have a deep suspicion of centralization and abuse of power. We want a president who reflects and follows the will of the people, but we also want one who boldly leads and shapes public opinion. This program explores the question of what constitutes greatness and distinguishes great presidents like Washington, Lincoln, and FDR, from less highly regarded executives like Coolidge, Hoover, and Carter. This is a timely, election season event! Dr. David Adler teaches at Boise State University in the Andrus Center for Public Policy. The night’s program is made possible by funding from the Idaho Humanities Council, the state affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities. All of the lectures are free and held in Spirit Center at the Monastery of St. Gertrude, 465 Keuterville Road, Cottonwood. Each lecture event includes a Q&A session with the presenters. Light refreshments will be provided. For further information on the October lecture series, visit www.HistoricalMuseumAtStGertrude.org or call 208-962-2050. Esther Barnett Goffinet opened the Fall Lecture Series at The Monastery of St. Gertrude’s Spirit Center conference room to an enthusiastic group of 60 history lovers on Oct. 4. She gave a talk and slide show presentation of her recently published book, “Ripples of a Lie.” She spent 30 years gathering information and pictures to be able to author the biography of Eugene Barnett, her father. He was a victim of the Centralia, Washington Conspiracy on November 11, 1919. It was the first time that union men fought back, leaving four soldiers dead. Eugene was unarmed and innocent, but spent 12 years in prison, along with 11 other men, for a crime they did not commit. Esther tells the whole shocking truth of what really happened. Her books are available for sale at Irwin Drug, A-1 Flowers, Hastings, And Books Too, and Book People. You can also order the book direct from Esther at her home address--a PO Box 414 Lewiston, ID 83501. The Historical Museum of St. Gertrude, who is the sponsor the lecture series, also handles the book. |