Orchestra to perform at Monastery
The Idaho County Orchestra will perform a concert of traditional and contemporary Christmas music in the chapel at the Monastery of St. Gertrude on December 30 at 2:00 p.m. The all-string orchestra features six violins, cello, bass, guitar, and harp.
The orchestra began two and a half years ago after a local musician put an ad in the paper calling for members. Now the group rehearses once a week at the Methodist Church in Grangeville. “We just have a blast when we get together,” says violinist Carletta Allen of Cottonwood. “There is a range of expertise in the group. We really try to encourage beginners and students, who sometimes come play with us.” 
Directed by Larry Paul of Stites, the group also includes Karen Adams of Harpster (violin), Walt Asbe of Kamiah (string bass), Lana Claussen of Kooskia  (violin), Jim Flocchini of Kooskia (cello), Gail Gates of Grangeville (violin), Bruce Graham of Grangeville (guitar), Lori Graham of Grangeville (violin), Candice Williams of Cottonwood (violin), and Mary Spencer of Cottonwood (harp).
The Idaho County Orchestra performs several times throughout the year including Border Days and Valentine’s Day. They recently gave a performance for the inmates at North Idaho Correctional Institution.
The Christmas Concert is a presentation of Spirituality and the Arts at St. Gertrude. The FREE performance takes place in the chapel at 2:00 p.m. followed by cookies, cocoa, and cider in the dining room. Reservations are available for the Inn at St. Gertrude for guests who would like to stay overnight. The Monastery is located at 465 Keuterville Road, Cottonwood, Idaho. For more information, call 208-962-3224.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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