After enjoying the Christmas vacation, the library is back in full swing. If you had books that were due during this time they have all received extended time to allow them to be returned without penalty. The library is looking for someone to replace retiring Summer Reading Program director, Aleta Coppernoll who is stepping down after volunteering many years of service to this popular and educational youth program. The program is pre-planned and in conjunction with other libraries throughout the state. The library is responsible for ordering supplies and covering all costs. The directors job is to coordinate the program which has been held one day each week for six weeks beginning in June. This is negotiable and can be changed to accommodate the director and other conflicting programs. There are ample helpers available to assist the director in the planning and implementing of the program. If interested please call the library at 962-3714. It was brought to our attention that the phone number is difficult to find in the phone book. It is listed under Prairie Community Library at 962-3714. New books have been ordered and are being placed on the shelf as they arrive. "Cuts" is a true story of incidents that have occurred in the life of author Gary Paulsen. He uses them to create his stories that are of interest to young readers. Other new arrivals of Paulsen's are "Brian's Hunt," "Lawn Boy," "The Voyage of the Frog," and "The River," as well as "The Cookcamp" that includes recipes along with the story. This is a very popular series especially with boys, but is of interest to all readers. |