Burning ordinance passed
A new outdoor burning ordinance was approved at the January meeting of the Cottonwood City Council held Monday, Jan. 14.
The ordinance has been under discussion for the past several months and addresses, among other things, backyard fire pit s, which were illegal under the old ordinance. The new ordinance is printed elsewhere in this week’s Chronicle.
The council also approved 2013 alcohol beverage permits for all the businesses that applied. A permit was tentatively approved for Doreen’s, who had not yet applied, contingent on their getting state and county approval.
Bids were reviewed for the city’s surplus property and the high bids were accepted on those items that received bids.
A motion was passed to purchase a new city maintenance pickup. It will be a Chevrolet from Gortsema Motors in Grangeville. The council also approved a proposal by Keuterville Highway District to purchase the current vehicle.
Steve Lamont was in attendance to present a proposal on the Ironwood Estates water/sewer service (former Cottonwood Housing Area). No action was taken.
In the reports, a water leak was found and taken care of near the Hair Hut. The city thanks those that pitched in to help as Pat Enneking was the only city worker available at the time.
Shelly Schumacher reported she is working on a grant to get the large spare generator set up on a trailer. Plans are to have it available to power the Hall in case of an emergency situation where the Hall could be used as a shelter. Part of the grant would also be that it could be loaned out to Ferdinand for a similar situation there.
The Fire Department had just one call in the past month, an extrication.
A catering permit was approved for the Rome Pilgrimage group for a dinner they will have in the Community Hall on Feb. 12.
Under postponed business, Mayor Denis Duman reported he will check on the status of the railroad ties to see if and when they are to be removed.
The next regular meeting of the council is set for Monday, February 11 at 7 p.m. 

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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