Students in grades 3-6 earned a movie party as they
met their Accelerated Reader goals. A big screen movie was shown
on the wall in the gym; students brought blankets and pillows and enjoyed
the movie. Students in K-2 watched movies in their individual classrooms.
Popcorn and mini candy treats were served as well. Click on the photo
for a larger view.
Teaching Staffs from Cottonwood, Craigmont, Nezperce,
and Culdesac attended a workshop on Understanding Assessments as related
to the Common Core State Standards. Our trainer was introduced by
Rick Kennedy from the State Department. January 18 was day one of
a two-day series of trainings. February 18 is the second day where
we will begin to design lesson plans aligned to the standards and imbedded
into Schoolnet. Cottonwood, Craigmont, Nezperce, Culdesac and Kamiah
have joined together as a consortium of schools and are working on writing
a grant to continue training on implementation of the Common Core State
Standards. Along with this is building a system called Schoolnet
which will house student assessment data. Schoolnet will become a
warehouse where information will be stored and available to teachers, parents,
and students. Login information will be given to each group.
All of this work is in preparation for a new statewide test that will replace
the ISAT. The Smarter Balanced Assessment will be given to students
in 2014-2015. Click on the photo for a larger view.
Events at a Glance
(if you have an event you want on the events calendar,
contact Carol Altman at Cottonwood City Hall at cottonwd@idaho.net)
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