drive meets goal
Brenda Kaschmitter and Cheri Holthaus, the co-chairs for the Red Cross Blood Drive are happy to announce that they met their goal. “Our new revised goal given to us by the Red Cross is 80 and that is what we hit. But as we all know; it wouldn’t be possible without the many efforts of the whole community” said Kaschmitter. “I would like to give a special thanks to our first time donors; I understand that giving blood for the first time can be a scary experience so I really appreciate our first timers and hope they will become regular donors,” said Cheri Holthaus co-chair. “Those who donated for the first time were; Drew Cochran, Whitney Sonnen, Cheryl Gehring and Jim Miller. We also had several donors who earned milestone pins; John Nida, Steve Wilson and Kristina Perrin received their 1 gallon pins; those who earned a 2 gallon pin were Katie Cooper, Jeannette Kelley and Sheri Daly; Bertie Forsmann received a 4 gallon pin; a 6 gallon pin was given to Ginny Acheson and Lisa Nightingale earned an 8 gallon pin.” “Once again the success of our blood drive depends largely upon our volunteers,” said Kaschmitter. “We honestly could not hold a blood drive without them. We would like to thank Arlene Baerlocher, Anna Gehring, Delores VonBargen, Doris Sonnen, Bobbie Schmidt, Collette Schaeffer, Brandi Polumsky, Sue Sonnen, and Starla Schumacher. I also want to thank the high school students who help set up, put up flyers, tear down and escort donors; Dakota Wilson, Drew Cochran, Taylor Heitman, Daun Hoene, Shelby VonBargen, Beka Bruner, Whitney Sonnen, Jessica Riener, Heidi Holubetz, Dally Ratcliff, Brandi Gehring and Lauren Alfrey. With a special thanks to the VFW Post 491 for supplying a meal for the Red Cross workers.” Brenda and Cheri agree that a big thank you also has to go out to all of those in the community who roll up their sleeves and donate time after time. “We are truly blessed to live in an area that supports this drive so completely; we could not accomplish this goal without you! We also want to thank the 21 employees of St. Mary’s Hospital for coming out in force to support this blood drive.” The next blood drive is scheduled for March 26th; please contact Brenda Kaschmitter or Cheri Holthaus at 962-3251 if you would like to make an appointment. |