Library News
Good things are happening in the community. Saturday night is the Hospital “Mardi Gras” annual fund raiser with proceeds to be used to update the Emergency Room. If you ever had the need to visit the emergency room you understand it’s importance and how vital it is to you and the community. If you can not attend this fun filled event, drop a check in the mail. It will be greatly appreciated. Take this opportunity to show your support. 
The Lions Club is once again providing a free vision and hearing clinic for children K-5. It is surprising how this test oftentimes detects a problem that neither parent nor child was aware of. This is open to students from Prairie and Summit and those who are Home schooled. It is from 9am until noon, Monday the 27th. 
Next week, Wednesday the 28th a work crew from NICI will be moving the fiction book section into it’s new location. More volunteers are needed for various jobs. If you are available please join us at the library. Lunch will be provided. 
The Library is currently featuring art work by three students of Mrs. Lundmark’s class. They are Holli Uhlorn, Jessi Riener and Heide Holubetz.
It is a very colorful and unique display. There will be more about these students next week. Have a good Week.

Work day at the Library
The Prairie Community Library will have a work day on March 27th starting at 8:30 am to move books within the library. We will be rearranging the fiction section. A work crew from NICI will be there to help. We can also use anyone who wants to come and help. Lunch will be provided by the library.  Call the library for more information 962-3714.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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P.O. Box 157
Cottonwood, ID 83522-0157
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