Letters to the editor from this week's Chronicle:

To the Editor
The legislators have gone home.  Thank Goodness!  Now, they can’t do any more damage. They were unconscionably arrogant to believe in their own absolute wisdom and right to decide for voters who clearly said otherwise on several issues.  Heavy loads on our highways, easier concealed weapon laws, pieces of the Luna laws, public lands turned over to the state….  I once thought that Idaho needed people like me to temper this heavy-handed, one-sided, anti-environment, anti-education decision making, but I’ve lost hope.  Idaho feels like a place for nuts.  
Education is key to solving the state’s problems, but these legislators seem to hate teachers who, according to Representative Judy Boyle, “…have good jobs compared to those who have no job.  In many places in Idaho, we have folks with no jobs who are struggling to keep their homes and businesses, and pay their property taxes to support their local schools.”   She needn’t worry.  If school districts use their new right to reduce teacher salaries from one year to the next and to notify teachers of their new contracts in July instead of May (ensuring that it’s too late to find different positions) teachers will be among the “folks with no jobs struggling to keep their homes….”  Smart!  Very, very smart!  Does anyone equate good education with economic success?  Teachers are the most important part in good education.  Not buildings, not textbooks, not computers, TEACHERS!   I am disgusted.  I wouldn’t vote for a single one of these people again.
Dawn K. Kennedy-Haeder

Dear Editor,
My daily reading of the newspapers has left me perplexed and asking myself, "How did we get here?"
Capitalism, Liberty, Personal Property, Profit, Individual Responsibility--these were once valued in American society as building blocks to happiness and prosperity.  How is it that we’ve reached the point where so many Americans have let themselves be brainwashed by Liberals into thinking these are bad, even here in Idaho County? 
Commissioner Skip Brandt

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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