from Senator Nuxoll
Dear Citizens of District 7: Thank you for the opportunity to serve you in the Idaho State Senate. It is my honor to represent District 7 in Boise. Thank you for communicating your thoughts, concerns, and opinions on various legislative issues which were presented before the State Senate. Your efforts to communicate your opinions and votes are truly appreciated as it helped me determine what is best for our district prior to voting. I appreciate especially your actions in response to issues about which I contacted you. This year I had the privilege to serve on the Joint Finance Appropriations Committee, Judiciary and Rules Committee, and as vice-chair of Health and Welfare Committee. Despite the difficult work load of these committees, it was an opportunity to work on important legislation. The biggest battle this year was the State Health Insurance Exchange: H248, the State Healthcare Exchange Bill- This bill establishes a state based Health Insurance Exchange as prescribed by the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare). Since the State Exchange implements Obamacare, which requires us to pay for insurance, that includes abortion inducing-drugs, sterilization, and contraception, it denies our right to life, religion, and property. Twice, twelve senators (including myself) heroically debated against the exchange. Additionally, the State Exchange bill itself has many flaws to it that leaches control from Idaho’s sovereignty. A sad moment in Idaho’s history for freedom, the bill passed into law, despite the fact that we have private enterprise options. The fight is still on. I encourage you to fight back. It is possible to boycott the Exchange, continue with free market solutions, or join health care sharing ministries. We did not win the biggest battle this year, but we have not lost the war. This is the link to my second debate against the exchange: Other bills and issues I worked on this year were: S1100, Health Care Sharing Ministries Bill- This bill defines Health Care Sharing Ministries as charitable organizations that cater to people of similar faith who voluntarily choose to help each other pay their medical bills. They limit their participants to those of similar faith. The organization is just a facilitator of the contributions among the participants who have financial or medical needs. This bill, which passed into law, defined the ministry and exempted them from the definition of an insurance company. The ministry is also exempted from Obamacare, removing penalties for not buying insurance. H192, Enhanced Conceal Carry License- The Enhanced Concealed Carry License bill creates a new class of conceal carry permits in Idaho in addition to the conceal carry license we already have in the state. This new class will require more training and minimum standards, but will allow those who bear the license to carry concealed in more situations as a necessary step to further advance our 2nd Amendment rights. This bill was passed into law. H219, Federal Firearm Enforcement Act- which prohibits state officials and state law enforcement from enforcing federal gun bans, was stopped in the Senate State Affairs Committee. I co-sponsored and support H219, which protects our 2nd Amendment rights. The right to bear arms is critical to our freedom. H 1184, The National Defense Authorization Act- which would not allow the federal government to detain any citizen without due process of trial, was also refused a hearing in the Senate State Affairs Committee. I co-sponsored this important bill and had hoped for a vote on this bill. It would counteract the National Defense Authorization Act, which was passed by Congress, that strips citizens of their right to trial by jury and protects us from being found guilty without proof. HCR 022, Transfer of Title of Federal Lands Resolution- This bill calls on the Federal Government to cede title of the federally controlled public lands, such as National Forests, back to the control of the state. Time and time again the federal government has failed to maintain lands in Idaho. The transfer of lands back to Idaho would allow a stable income for our schools and protect our recreational activities. H 315, Personal Property Tax Bill- passed, which allows for a $100,000 exemption on business personal property, and a $3000 exemption on a small item of tangible personal property. Youth Challenge Program- We are very excited that the Youth Challenge Program, run by the National Guard, received its funding authority for Idaho dropouts at Pierce, Idaho. Finance Committee’s Medicaid and Education Budget- The largest budgets in the state are the Education and Medicaid budgets. The Education budget of $1.6 billion was approved. This includes federal funding of $215 million. The Medicaid budget of $2.02 billion passed. The Medicaid budget includes $1.34 billion in federal funds. The Division of Welfare budget of $143 million was approved also. Federal funding in that budget is $100 million. It is worthy to note that with federal moneys, the Medicaid budget is more than the Education budget. The Medicaid budget comprises 80% of the Health and Welfare budget. Education Bills that have passed were a result of input from the IEA, School Boards Association, and the public. However, the new education bills did not change tenure or scope of negotiations. Again, it is very important for you to call, email, or testify. Testimony by citizens is extremely powerful. George Washington said, “Of all the dispositions that lead to political prosperity, our religion and morality are the indispensable supporters.” In a world without God or religion, the state is supreme. In a state that banishes God, we are bending the knee before the secular state. Patrick Henry said, “Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains or slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!” With Warmest Regards, Senator Sheryl Nuxoll Those are a few of the issues I thought may be of interest. For a complete list of legislation and a record of how each legislator voted, please see |