May events for youth ministry
Dear Youth in Christ,
As the weather starts to warm up and the school days come to a close we ask you to consider joining us in our end of the school youth activities.  As a young Church we will celebrate this special month of May through praise, prayer, play, and planning.  It is here we call you and challenge you to become a disciple and live our your call as servants, witnesses and leaders.
On May 1st we will begin the month by planning our end of the school year REACH session.  All High School peer ministers are asked to meet at the OMG @ 7:00 p.m. Chili and drinks will be provided.  Please note I will be gone from May 6th –10th with my family.  On May 12th at St. Mary’s Church at 10:00 a.m. the High School Seniors will gather to celebrate their Graduation Mass.  Everyone is invited and encouraged to attend.  Seniors please wear your graduation gowns to the Mass and arrive at 9:45 a.m. for line-up.  Youth Ministry and PFFP scholarships will be awarded at this Mass.  A reception will follow and everyone is invited.  
We will continue with our small group Bible Study on May 13th at Debbie’s office.  This will be our last session before summer break.  We will have pizza at 6:30, study from 7:00-8:00 and go for a walk at 8:00.  We will be looking at new resources for this group and deciding on our next study.  
On May 20th, anyone interested in attending Steubenville Northwest in July needs to meet at the OMG at 7:00 p.m.  We will discuss fundraisers and hand out forms.  If you are in High School or an adult and are interested in attending this conference please be present.  On May 21st the Confirmation class will meet at the High School Peace building at 7:00 p.m.  The focus of this class is to hand in all assignments and talk about next year’s expectations and answer any questions.  This meeting will be the last class until the beginning of October.  All members of this class need to be present.  On May 22nd the Peer Ministers will host their final REACH session at the OMG.  We will begin the night with Praise and Worship at 6:30 and the REACH session will follow.  All Jr. High and High School youth are invited to attend this faith session planned by their peers.  
Our Relay for Life Team will meet on May 28th at 7:00 p.m. at the OMG to plan our annual fundraiser.  All Relay Walkers need to be present for this planning meeting.  
On May 29th all Jr. High and High School youth as well as adults who have helped with Youth ministry this school year are invited to a social at either Fr. Paul’s house or the Church parking lot at 6:15 p.m.  We will have a barbeque and each youth is asked to bring a salad or dessert.  We will also be roasting marshmallows and making s’mores.  It will be a great closing to the school year so tell your friends and lets make this a great celebration. (I will let you know the location as soon as it is confirmed). 
It is in stepping toward our faith that we find our faith.  You are invited to join us on this journey as we come together to celebrate who we are as a young Church living out the call to discipleship in an active response.  We hope you can join us and please know that you are always welcome.  Where two or more are gathered, Christ is in their midst.  
In Christ’s Service,
Debbie Chicane
Tri-Parish Youth Minister
Please note that all small group session will end in May and resume in September. I will post the large group activities for each month throughout the summer in the paper and bulletin, so watch for more information as the summer progresses.  Have a blessed summer!

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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