is this week
The 2013 Idaho County Fair officially kicked off Wednesday morning
with the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at 8:30 a.m. . . .
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are grand marshals
When a young teacher named Dina walked into Jordan Motors in 1970,
mechanic Ivan Nuxoll took notice. . . .
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Board meets
The school board held their regular August meeting Monday, August 19
with newly appointed board member Tara Klapprich in attendance. . . .
Also on this page are the bus routes. . . .
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hosts Khan training
Prairie Elementary was host to a Khan Academy training on August 13.
. . .
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Royalty Profiles
Following are profiles of each of the current members of the Idaho
County Fair Royalty. . . .
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to hold school supply drive
Would you like to see each student in the local school districts begin
classes with all the supplies needed to begin the school year? Could
you help St. Mary’s Hospital and clinics get school supplies for needy
students? . . .
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power outage
There will be a scheduled outage for Idaho County Light & Power
members in the Cottonwood, Ferdinand, Greencreek, Keuterville and Graves
Creek areas. The outage will run from 11:00 p.m. on August 27 until 4:00
a.m. on August 28. This outage also affects all Avista customers in those
areas. . . .
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Choir to perform
The Monastery of St. Gertrude will once again welcome the Gonzaga Chamber
Chorus for a performance in the Monastery chapel on Sunday, September 8
at 11 a.m. . . .
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artist's voice for justice
When faced with injustices in the world, we are also faced with an
array of responses. As in every situation in life, we are always given
the opportunity to open our hearts and engage the world's problems -- and
our own emotions -- with our creative powers. . . .
[Read full story]
Heckman profiled
If you ask Susie Heckman what she’s done for the county 4-H program
or the Idaho County fair, she is quick to give all the credit to others.
. . .
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hold another football 'combine'
The Prairie Pirate Football team concluded a very successful off-season
training regimen this Thursday by competing in another Team Testing Day
. . .
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Volleyball Schedule
The jamboree at Grangeville has been moved to Monday, August. 26. .
. .
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volleyball schedule
On this page is the volleyball schedule for Summit Academy. . . .
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to the Editor
On this pageare letters to the editor that appeared in this week's
print edition of the Chronicle. . . .
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The Idaho County Fair Royalty welcome everyone to
this week's Idaho County Fair. From left are 2nd Princess Jenni Forsmann,
Queen Whitney Sonnen and 1st Princess Jacey Arnzen. Click on the photo
for a larger view.
Ivan and Dina Nuxoll are grand marshals for this year's
Fair. See article above left.
The stage decorations for Wednesday evening’s 4-H
Fashion Show. Click on the photos for larger views.
Prairie Elementary hosted a Khan Academy training
on August 13. Photo provided by Rene’ Forsmann. See article above left.
Click on the photo for a larger view.
The Gonzaga University Choir will be performing at
the Monastery of St. Gertrude on Sept. 8. See story above left. Click on
the photo for a larger view.
At the Martin Nuxoll Family Reunion. Back from left
are Linda Hansen, Barbara Seubert, Norma Drea, Roy B. Nuxoll, Ray A. Nuxoll
and Richard C. Nuxoll. Front from left are Reggie Kaschmitter, Joanne Sonnen,
Mary Kee and Felix Nuxoll. Photo provided by Reggie Kaschmitter.
A good time was had celebrating what would have been
Martin Nuxoll’s 100th birthday.
The day started with a family golf tournament at Grangeville
Golf Club. Wine and bacon were enjoyed by the golfers before they got too
interested in trying to hit that little white ball. Everybody won that
Then it was up to the Cottonwood Butte property of
Roy and Felix. The perfect hosts (thanks Roy and Helen) had the place all
prepared for the party. With the help of many, a pig and potatoes were
roasted in a pit. Along with the excellent pig, a potluck was enjoyed.
As a special event, all got to attend a Mass celebrated by Father Reuber.
Visiting, picture taking, horseshoes and volleyball
were enjoyed by many. About 155 attended.
Family members came from Nebraska, Ohio, Illinois,
Texas, Washington, Oregon, Chile, Mexico, Louisiana, Washington D.C. and
from many parts of Idaho.
Unable to attend was Carol Williams of Arizona. A
brother, Fred, died in 1990.
Click on the photo for a larger view.
Karol Holthaus and Elaine Sonnen Of the Lewis SCD
with the grant award check to help local schools, including Summit, participate
in the Hatchery in the Classroom project. LSCD was awarded $6750.00 to
purchase four aquariums and equipment for local schools to participate
in “Hatchery in the Classroom”. Students from Highland, Nezperce, Kamiah,
and Summit Academy will learn about the life cycle of steelhead or salmon.
Dworshak Fish Hatchery will deliver steelhead or salmon eggs to the schools
to be raised from egg to fry. The students will do daily monitoring, feeding,
cleaning and general care of the fish. In the spring of the year the steelhead
or salmon fry will be released in one of our local streams.
Events at a Glance
(if you have an event you want on the events calendar,
contact Carol Altman at Cottonwood City Hall at cottonwd@idaho.net)
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