Youth Ministry schedule for September
Dear Parents and Youth,
The month of September echoes a shift in our life as the school bells replace the lazy complacent days of summer. There is an invitation to embracing this shift as old friends reconnect and new memories are given a chance to emerge.  This month also brings with it an invitation for all High School youth and Jr. High youth to step toward their Catholic faith in a new and exciting way through engaging in our local Youth Ministry process.  We would be so excited to have you join us.  We pray, play, listen, learn, discuss, laugh, cry, serve, share and live out our call together as a young Church in today’s world.  
On Sept. 4th the PFFP is hosting an “Open House” at the CEC building from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.  All parent of youth involved in the religious education program are invited to come and meet the teachers.  We look forward to seeing you.  
On Sept. 6th all H.S. and Jr. High are invited to spend an hour with the Lord at St. Mary’s Parish at 10:00 p.m.  Bring your journals!  I will be at the Eucharistic Congress in Boise on Sept 6th and 7th.  I will be praying for you as I gather with other people throughout the state as a Christ Centered Community.  
On Sept 9th the H.S. youth will meet in Debbie’s office to have a Catholic Q and A session.  This session will help the teens address and find answers to commonly asked questions about the Catholic faith.  We will begin at 6:30 with pizza, the session will go from 7:00-800 and following the session we will go for a walk.  All High School youth are invited. 
On Sept 10th I would like to invite parents and youth to our “Back to School” Bash in the Church parking lot following the 6:30 Mass.  This is a great time to come together as a Church community and be Eucharist to each other.  Parents your presence makes a difference to the youth and youth your presence makes a difference to the parents.  So let’s come together and rejoice in who we are as a gathered community.
On Sept 11th all adult leaders who are on the Youth ministry team are invited to come to a meeting at the OMG @ 7:00.  I will be calling current members and asking some new ones.  My goal this year is have a solid core group of adults  who will meet regularly to help and guide the youth ministry process, and me.  So if you would like to join the team please let me know I would love for you to be involved.  
On Sept 16th I will be hosting a  “Peer Minister” night at the On Mighty Ground (OMG) youth room on Sept 4th @ 7:00.  Any Sophomore, Junior, or Senior interested in leading the Jr. High in monthly faith sessions please show up, your presence is greatly appreciated. If you have never been a peer minister and would like too, you are very, very welcome and encouraged to attend.  
On Sept 18th the High School youth are asked to meet at the OMG youth room @ 7:00 p.m. to discuss plan, ideas, and desires for the upcoming youth ministry year.  Your input is essential so please be present. Food and drinks will be provided. 
My husband Joe is getting a heart defibrillator put in on Sept 23rd so I did not plan any youth activities for this week.  Please continue to pray for us as he journeys through this time of uncertainty.  May God bless you for your love and kindness.
On Sept. 30th we will have a themed movie night at the OMG @ 7:00 p.m.  The theme has not been chosen yet so watch the bulletin for more info.  
Yes, it is hard to let go of the greatness of summer and all of it’s special moments, but I’ve come to realize that with every season comes greatness if we dare to see it.  I am asking you to consider looking toward growing closer to God and one another through joining us this month in our youth activities and see what God may have for you!
In hope and love,
Debbie Chicane    
(Please note that we will have our 30 Hour Fast, the 12th of October.  You will need to pick up a registration form prior to the event).

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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