drive exceeds goal
“When we hear we met our goal we get so excited,” commented Brenda Kasch-mitter, co-chair for the Cottonwood Blood Drive. “But it is even better when we exceed it. Our current goal is 80 and we took in 85 usable units this last blood drive; that is great.” “We had several first time donors who helped us reach our goal,” said Cheri Holthaus, co-chair. “We would like to thank Fr. Meinrad, Megan Seubert, Karen Martin, Heidi Holubetz and Michael Waters for taking that first step in being long time donors. Speaking of long time donors we handed out several gallon pins this time; Morris Arnzen and Karl Chambers both received their one gallon pin, Jim Severson received a five gallon pin and Kenny Seubert, Gladys Sonnen and Bud Uhling all earned their eight gallon pins. Both Brenda and I would like to thank them for their dedication.” “It takes many people to pull off a blood drive, and the majority of those people are volunteers,” said Holthaus. “We would like to thank all who helped make this blood drive a success; Dakota Wilson, Hanna Ross, Taylor Heitman, Heidi Holubetz, Whitney Sonnen, Beka Bruner, Madison Ulmer, Ali Hoene, Daun Hoene, Lauren Alfrey, Marlene Jungert, Anna Gehring, Delores VonBargen, Doris Sonnen, Bobbie Schmidt, Theresa Uptmor, Zara Hasselstrom, Sue Sonnen and Starla Schumacher; with a special thanks to the VFH Post 491 for once again supplying a great lunch for the Red Cross Workers. We would also like to thank St. Mary’s Hospital for sponsoring this blood drive.” The next blood drive is scheduled for January 28th from noon to 6:00 at the Cottonwood Community Hall. Please call Brenda or Cheri at 962-3251 if you would like to make an appointment. “We would like to remind everyone who plans on donating next time to be sure and eat foods rich in iron at least the week prior to donating and to drink plenty of water the day before and the day of blood drive,” said Kaschmitter. |