Updated October 31, 2013
Kindergarten building sold
At the October meeting of the school board it was announced that the Kindergarten Building has been sold. . . .
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A letter from Africa
Hey everybody! I know that it has been a long time since my last letter but I figure it's better late than never. . . .
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Yoga classes continue through November
The fall yoga classes will continue through the end of November. . . .
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Inventing Idaho is lecture subject
On the morning of March 4, 1863, President Abraham Lincoln signed a congressional act creating Idaho Territory. . . .
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Reminders for Tri-Parish youth
Attention Confirmation youth:  Retreat at Ferdinand Hall on Nov. 9th at 1:00 p.m . . .
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Booster Bulletin
Congratulations to the Prairie Volleyball team on a great season. . . .
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Library News
The annual Bräts and Brew was once again a huge success. A wonderful crowd attended the gala event last Saturday evening. . . .
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Hope Center sponsoring 3-week workshop
The Hope Center is sponsoring a free 3-week workshop series in November for parents and guardians of teenagers and pre-teens.  . . .
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County GOP central committee meets
The Idaho County Republican Central Committee met Oct. 15 at the Super 8 Motel in Grangeville for their regular monthly meeting. . . .
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Gun Club night shoot continues
After 2 weeks of the Cottonwood Gun Club Night Shoot, here are the standings: . . .
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Pre-Order your shootout shirts
Prairie HOSA will be selling shirts for the Idaho County Shootout, which is set for Friday, December 13 at Cottonwood. . . .
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Pirates lose at Troy; 8 earn medals at C.V.
Even though the Prairie Pirates outgained Troy by nearly 100 yards they lost 28-53 at Troy due in large part to 4 turnovers at Troy Friday, Oct. 25. . . .

With twelve wrestlers participating in the Clearwater Valley Wrestling Tournament on Saturday, October 26th, the group earned eight medals. . . .
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Lady Pirates place third at District; Spencer, Wilson qualify for state
The Prairie Lady Pirates swept past Lapwai and Potlatch on Wednesday, Oct. 23 at District to advance to a state berth or bust match against Troy on Thursday. Unfortunately they lost that match in 4 games to wind up at 19-5 on the season. . . .
Two Prairie cross country runners qualified for the State Crosscountry meet at the 1A/2A District meet held Thursday, Oct. 24 at Grangeville. . . .
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Summit eliminated by Logos
The Summit Academy Lady Patriots may have gone out of District in 2 matches but they gave #2 seeded Logos quite a battle in their loser-out match Wednesday, Oct. 23 as they fell in 5 games 25-21, 23-25, 25-21, 19-25, 13-15. . . .
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Mr. Bill Goesling, representing the State Board of Education and kneeling in front, presented Prairie Elementary staff, students, parents and community with a Distinguished School Award for 2012-2013.  Mr. Goesling pointed out that it is a group effort to educate children.  He asked the students who they thought helped them along the way.  Students raised their hands and stated, teachers, parents, bus drivers, cooks, maintenance, teacher aides, principal, and they said "students"... we are a part of the success as well.  Prairie Elementary was one of seven elementary schools in the State of Idaho to receive this award. Photo submitted by Lynn Rehder. Click on the photo for a larger view.

J.D. (Jerry) Riener shows an African youngster how to “Tebow.” See  A Letter from Africa above left. Click on the photo for a larger view.

Attendance winners for month of October at Prairie Elementary were Toby Hatfield and Carson Forsman. Photo provided by Sherry Holthaus. Click on the photo for a larger view.

Red Ribbon Week Winners at Prairie Elementary are Tara Schlader and Riley Enneking for the top bookmarkers, and Evan Schwartz and Wade Goeckner for best decorated grocery bags. Click on the photo for a larger view.

These students won the final drawing awards in the Center for Discovery Cookie Dough Sales. They are: Wyatt Ross--winner of the I-pod, Justin Lockett, Ben Gehring, Wade Goeckner. Front Row is Noah Geis and Tyler Leaton. Photo by Sherry Holthaus. Click on the photo for a larger view.

A scarecrow display we apparently missed for the Chamber’s business contest was this one at Long’s Auto Sales and Service. Click on the photo for a larger view. For more of the Scarecrow displays click here.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522

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