G.O.P. Central Committee meets
The Idaho County Republican Central Committee met Oct. 15 at the Super 8 Motel in Grangeville for their regular monthly meeting. 
Leader for the Dave Ramsey Program, John Menough reported that at present there are 10 to 12 total attending the weekly Dave Ramsey Programs. They are now meeting at the Adult Learning Center for LCSC in Grangeville. The program is sponsored by the Central Committee. 
Mary Adler noted that she will speak on Common-Core to the Riggins’ School Board on October 29, 2013. 
Steve Ackerman came to speak on the Health Care Exchange. He gave valuable information on the Affordable Care Act. He may be reached at www.GemStatePatriot.com. His presentation covered the Insurance Reform, Health Care and what is included in the new Health Care Program. 
The Central Committee will next meet on November 19, 2013, at Super 8 in Grangeville. All are welcome to come to these open meetings. 
Betty Alm, Secretary

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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