Kindergarten building is sold
At the October meeting of the school board it was announced that the Kindergarten Building has been sold.
The board met Wednesday, Oct. 23, and superintendent Rene’ Forsmann said that Jack and Jeanne Wimer are the purchasers and they hope to close the sale by Nov. 11. The District expects to receive a net of $144,000 after closing costs.
Once the closing is done the board will need to discuss what to use these funds for.
Regarding the old Elementary School building, Roy Fritz was present to ask if the board would lower the price. He is the person who appeared at a previous meeting to discuss a possible purchase and conversion to a care facility. Forsmann said if an offer is presented through their real estate agents they would take it under consideration. So far no offer has been made.
Forsmann also reported she has been working with Melissa Bryant regarding asbestos abatement of the old Elementary School. Bryant believes grant funds may be available.
She also reported 9 rooms have had ventilator controls installed at the junior/senior high building and that those teachers are very happy with the outcome.
The annual audit was presented with Becca Dugger from Presnell-Gage doing the presentation. She said there are a couple of deficiency reports where the district has one individual handling duties that are normally segregated in larger districts. Other than those she reported the District does and excellent job and is easy to work with. The audit report was approved by motion of the board.
The board discussed the 9 resolutions to be presented at the Idaho School Board Association convention. Gus Hoene, Aaron Hinkelman and Tara Klapprich will be attending and will consider this discussion when it comes time to vote.
Safety busing was approved. This is something the board has to do each year.
In administrative reports Forsmann reported the State Board of Education was to present the Elementary School with the Distinguished School Award on Friday, Oct. 25.
On Oct. 3-4 they had a great turnout of certified employees from several district for training on lesson plan designing and integration of the plans in to Schoolnet.
The Elementary School made $166 on the lottery scratch.
Carrie Nygaard reported that the Career Expo was a huge success with students and staff finding the Expo highly valuable and positive comments on the students behavior.
Oct. 21-25 was Red Ribbon Week with junior high students having dress themes for each day. Students also did radio spots on KORT.
The first quarter ends Nov. 1 with parent-teacher conferences the following week.
College campus tours are scheduled. 8th graders to go to University of Idaho Oct. 28, 9th graders to WSU on Nov. 5 and 10th and 11th graders to U of I on Dec. 5.
The meeting adjourned at 6:35 p.m. The next regular meeting is set for Monday, Nov. 18 at 5:30 p.m.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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