PHS holds ugly quilt contest
The PHS Ugly Quilt (scrap quilts) was judged Tuesday Dec. 17 and the top three announced at the end of 7th hour Wednesday.  The quilts were on display at the Winter Concert in the PHS gym.  There were 24 quilts entered.
There is a quilt club in Clarkston that meets on Tuesdays, when they found out last year that Millie Wimer was teaching quilting to the girls here at school they decided to donate their extra fabric to the class. They donated last year, as well as numerous other people from the surrounding area.  
This year the club donated three huge car loads of material again.  In order to find room to put the material away the Ugly Quilt contest was born.  These are scrap quilts were a requirement for the class. The girls may do with them what they wanted.  These 24 quilts will be on display at the Winter Concert.  These are being judged on Tuesday afternoon by three staff members that have not seen the quilts previously.  The top three quilts will be awarded prizes.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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