Clubs to meet
Cottonwood Saddliers
The FIRST meeting of the Cottonwood Saddliers & Livestock 4-H Club
will be held THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2014, at 6:30 PM at the Cottonwood Livestock
Auction Café. Please come join our club in an exciting adventure
as we prepare for the Idaho County Fair. Opportunities are unlimited
in leadership, friendship, & 4-H scholarships. Projects include
market livestock, craftsmanship of all kinds, cooking, fashion, and anything
your brain has an interest in; 4-H can make it happen.
PARENTS must attend with your child(ren) for the 1st two meetings
to ensure proper sign-up. Enrollment with Idaho County is due March
1st, so mark your calendar for February 6th and join this fun group on
our journey to the Idaho County 4-H Fair.
For more information please contact Tara Rowland at 962-7071.
Keuterville Livestock
Keuterville Livestock 4-H Club will be holding it’s first meeting on Monday,
February 3rd at the Keuterville Hall. Meeting time will be at 7:00
pm. Please bring a parent so we can fill out enrollment forms and pay dues.
Any questions, call Butch & Jean Spencer 962-3059 |
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