Letters to the editor from this week's Chronicle:

To the Editor
Our current state office holders may or may not be good people, that is not for us to judge, but we can judge their actions. Their political beliefs and decisions they have made do not line up with many, if not most of the citizens of Idaho County. They are out of touch with how we live and how we see our communities. Most citizens are liberty minded and our state officers are far from liberty minded at this time. Government intrusion in our lives has increased considerably under their leadership. We need to turn back this intrusion.
Come meet with candidates Jim Chmelik, Lieutenant Governor; Lawerence Denney, Secretary of State; Todd Hatfield, State Controller; Chris Troupis, Attorney General and John Eynon, Superintendent of Public Instruction. These men are dedicated to work to turn back the government intrusion in our lives and work by the Constitution of Idaho and the United States. 
So please come meet with these dedicated men on Wednesday, April 2 at the Super 8 Motel in Grangeville at 6:30 p.m.
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Marge Arnzen, Treasurer

To the Editor
I am writing this letter of support on behalf of Abagail Hudson. I have known Abbie for 32 years. She is a very responsible and trustworthy person. She has worked for Idaho County for the past 18½ years. Her attention to detail and knowledge of the financial responsibilities of the job will serve the county in a most advantageous way. Abbie will do an excellent job as Idaho County Treasurer. She is a great leader, knowledgeable, and a hard worker and will get the job done in a proficient way. Please join me in supporting her in the upcoming primary election.
Kim Spencer

To the Editor
Asking for support for Abbie
I just wanted to let everyone know that Abbie Hudson is running for Idaho County Treasurer. As the election days are coming nearer I wish to get people to take a closer look at Abbie and why she is the best choice for Idaho County.
Abbie has worked for Idaho County for 18 years, 1 year at the Assessor’s office, 7 years as roll clerk and 10 years as Idaho County Deputy Clerk. Some of Abbie’s duties include bi-weekly payroll, audit and certify Treasurer’s incoming money and every month balance all County Departments. Abbie works very closely with all the taxing districts among many other jobs. 
Thank you for your time and I hope you will join me in supporting Abbie Hudson for Idaho County Treasurer at election time.
David Todd

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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