Youth busy in April
Dear Parents and youth, Oh God of hope, thank you for the warmth of the sun as the flowers begin to show their colors and the earth speaks words of the promise, growth, and newness. Spring is here and with that comes the invitation to grow in our faith journey. Throughout the month of April will be gathering to praise, worship, confirm, baptize, learn, celebrate, share, and live our faith with new vigor and hope. You are encouraged to enjoy your Spring break during the 1st week of April with your family and friends. Rejoice in the greatness of the season and rest in beauty that surrounds you with a few quiet moments to see all that God has given you. Please note we will not have any planned youth group activities during the first week of April. On April 7th our small group will meet at Debbie’s office for Catholic Q and A. We will have pizza at 6:30, our lesson at 700 and go for a walk at 8:00. If you are in High School and haven’t attended these sessions before, please know you are still invited. This small group session answers common questions Catholic teens have about their faith through the use of Catechism of the Catholic Church. It is a great time to address any questions you have about your faith. We hope you can join us! On April 8th the Haiti Mission Team for 2016 will meet at the OMG at 5:30 to go out and sell Cookies. We will sell from 5:30 to 7:30 so please bring your brochure with you. On April 9th at 7:00 p.m. the High School Peer Ministers will meet at the OMG to plan the monthly Jr. High REACH session. On April 12th the Confirmation youth and adult drivers will meet in the St. Mary’s Parking lot at 7:15 to head to Moscow for the day retreat. We will return to Cottonwood by 8:00 p.m. Please pray for our Confirmation candidates as they complete their classes and prepare to be confirmed on April 30th. I will be doing Confirmation interviews throughout the week of April 14th and April 21st. Please remember if you signed up for a specific time to arrive on time and bring your completed service project sheet. On April 16that 7:00 p.m. we will be hosting a class on Safe Environment called, “Circles of Grace”. I sent a permission slip home with each student on March 27th, if the parent does not want their child to attend please send the signed permission slip back to me. This is a class recommended by the diocese for the safety of our youth in dealing with the subject of abuse. On April 19th we will be celebrating the Easter Vigil at St. Mary’s at 8:00 p.m. Rebecca Phillips will be Baptized, Confirmed and receive her first Holy Communion at this celebration. I am encouraging all High School youth to attend this Mass to support Rebecca. We congratulate you Rebecca and welcome you into the Church and are so excited you are with us! On April 21st the Adult Core Youth Ministry Group will meet at the OMG youth room at 7:00. This group will focus on ideas and share input as to how to get more adults involved in the youth ministry process. If you are an adult and are interested in helping with youth ministry please join us in this meeting. We would love your input as we share our ideas and continue to seek ways to grow this ministry. On April 23rd the High School Peer Ministers will host the monthly Jr. High REACH session at the OMG youth room at 7:00 p.m. All Peer ministers are asked to be at the OMG at 5:45 to set up for the session. On April 28th at the 7:00p.m the Confirmation youth and their sponsors are asked to attend the Confirmation practice at St. Mary’s Church. On April 30th St. Mary’s will be hosting the Tri-Parish Confirmation. The Liturgy will begin at 7:00 p.m. All Confirmation candidates are asked to be at the Church by 6:15 so you can get your picture with the Bishop at 6:30. We will have a reception following the Mass in the Sacred Heart Room and everyone is invited. May the holiness of the season and the invitation to rebirth move us forward in active response to all that God has done for us. Happy Easter and may this month be a blessing for you and your family. In Holy Gratitude, Debbie Chicane Tri-Parish Youth Minister |