4-H party is held
The Annual Idaho County 4-H Party was held on Saturday, April 12, 2014, at the Cottonwood Community Hall. Over 200 4-H members and their friends gathered at this event which is a "Penny Arcade" intended to raise the awareness of the Idaho County 4-H Program and encourage youth and adults to participate in this youth development program. This event is also the kick-off for Idaho County 4-H Week. Each of Idaho County’s 4-H clubs set up a booth at which chances to play cost from one to twenty-five cents. These booths offer a wide variety of games. Some of this year’s games included penny drops, roping, plinko, and pin the note on the musician (following this year’s Fair theme of “Jazzin’ It Up at the Idaho County Fair”). The games concluded at noon with a free hamburger barbecue lunch served by the Idaho County 4-H Ambassadors and M.O.D. Squad. The Idaho/Lewis County Cattle Association provided the hamburger to BBQ and the Idaho County Wheat Growers Association also makes a donation to help offset the expenses for lunch. Special thanks to Idaho/Lewis County Cattle Association members Scott & Judy Scriber, Jack Percarovich, Melissa Curry and Brandy McElroy for doing the cooking! Julia Rehder and Ben Gehring ponder how many jelly beans are in the jar at the Idaho County 4-H Party. Photo by Susie Heckman. |