6Clark Christensen with the Idaho Department of Lands,
along with Prairie Elementary School students, Prairie Elementary staff-Kim
Schumacher, Carol Lauer and Donna Latimer, Liz Clark-North Idaho Correctional
Institute, Elaine Sonnen-Lewis Soil Conservation & Idaho
County Soil & Water Conservation District, and Shelli Schumacher-Cottonwood
City Council planted 200 seedlings. Click on the photo for a larger
The Arbor Day Celebration was completed with the presentation
of the Tree City Award to the City of Cottonwood by Philip Shinn, Central
Idaho Forestry Assistant, Idaho Community Forestry. Council member
Shelli Schumacher accepted the award, with Council member Ron Grant also
present. Click on the photo for a larger view.
Students who helped plant seedlings on Arbor Day received
Arbor Day T-Shirts, cupcakes and pop. Click on the photo for a larger
At the Cottonwood City Park, a hot dog barbecue, hosted
by the Idaho County Recycling group with the help of University of Idaho
students, handed out coloring books in honor of Earth Day.Click on the
photo for a larger view.
Tyler Wemhoff was the 8-12 year old winner at the
Greencreek Easter Egg Hunt. He is the son of Roger and Annette Wemhoff.
Greencreek Easter Egg Hunt photos by Arlene Baerlocher.
Mrs. Higgins and Mrs. Schu' have been getting their
4th graders excited about running since the beginning of the school year.
The PE class has worked on building running stamina, proper running
form, and preparing for race day since Spring Break. As a culminating
activity the students had the option to sign up for the Sea Port River
Run in Lewiston on April 26th. Fourteen of the students plus several
parents, siblings and friends, signed up as a group and traveled to Lewiston
for the run last Saturday. Each had to make their own way there as this
was not a school sanctioned event. Not only did these kids learn that
running is good for them, but it can be FUN! Proceeds from this year's
event went to the Willow Center in Lewiston. The Willow
Center is for grieving children to let them know there is hope, understanding,
acceptance, support, and laughter.... to help children, teens and
their families through the grieving process - the healing process.
For more information on this organization either visit them on Facebook
or check out their website at www.willow-center.org. Photo provided
by Becky Higgins. Click on the photo for a larger view.
Events at a Glance
(if you have an event you want on the events calendar,
contact Carol Altman at Cottonwood City Hall at cottonwd@idaho.net)
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