Updated May 1, 2014
May's youth activities
As the weather warms up and the school days come to close we ask you to consider joining us in our end of the school year activities. . . .
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School concert dates are set
Prairie students will soon be presenting their Spring Concerts for your listening pleasure. . . .
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Luau tickets are still available
The Center For Discovery is still selling dinner tickets to their Luau Fundraiser this Saturday, May 3. . . .
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Logging camp tour planned
During the early years of the operation of Craig Mountain Lumber Company of Winchester logging was done on company owned rail roads.  . . .
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Summit to present play
Summit Academy is presenting their annual Spring Play on May 8, 9 and 10 in the Summit Academy Gym. . . .
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Garden Club sale and raffle
The Nezperce Garden Club will be having their annual plant sale on Saturday, May 10th outside the Eller Building during the Nezperce Citywide Yard Sale.  . . .
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Boys basketball meeting set
There will be a Prairie High School Boys Basketball meeting this Thursday, May 1 . . .
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Updated schedule
The updated softball schedule is on this page. . . .
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Arnzen breaks school record in 400
Lucas Arnzen broke the school record in the 400 meter dash at the White Pine Meet Tuesday, April 28 at Lapwai. . . .
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Photos from Summit Academy
On this page are a couple of photos submitted by Summit Academy. . . .
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Letters to the Editor
On this page are letters to the editor that appeared in this week's print edition of the Chronicle. . . .
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6Clark Christensen with the Idaho Department of Lands, along with Prairie Elementary School students, Prairie Elementary staff-Kim Schumacher, Carol Lauer and Donna Latimer, Liz Clark-North Idaho Correctional Institute, Elaine Sonnen-Lewis  Soil  Conservation & Idaho County Soil & Water Conservation District, and Shelli Schumacher-Cottonwood City Council planted 200 seedlings. Click on the photo for a  larger view. 

The Arbor Day Celebration was completed with the presentation of the Tree City Award to the City of Cottonwood by Philip Shinn, Central Idaho Forestry Assistant, Idaho Community Forestry.  Council member Shelli Schumacher accepted the award, with Council member Ron Grant also present. Click on the photo for a larger view.

Students who helped plant seedlings on Arbor Day received Arbor Day T-Shirts, cupcakes and pop. Click on the photo for a larger view.

At the Cottonwood City Park, a hot dog barbecue, hosted by the Idaho County Recycling group with the help of University of Idaho students, handed out coloring books in honor of Earth Day.Click on the photo for a larger view.

Tyler Wemhoff was the 8-12 year old winner at the Greencreek Easter Egg Hunt. He is the son of Roger and Annette Wemhoff. Greencreek Easter Egg Hunt photos by Arlene Baerlocher.

Mrs. Higgins and Mrs. Schu' have been getting their 4th graders excited about running since the beginning of the school year.  The PE class has worked on building running stamina, proper running form, and preparing for race day since Spring Break.  As a culminating activity the students had the option to sign up for the Sea Port River Run in Lewiston on April 26th.  Fourteen of the students plus several parents, siblings and friends, signed up as a group and traveled to Lewiston for the run last Saturday. Each had to make their own way there as this was not a school sanctioned event. Not only did these kids learn that running is good for them, but it can be FUN!  Proceeds from this year's event went to the Willow Center in Lewiston.   The  Willow Center is for grieving children to let them know there is hope, understanding, acceptance, support, and laughter.... to help children, teens and their families through the grieving process - the healing process.  For more information on this organization either visit them on Facebook or check out their website at www.willow-center.org. Photo provided by Becky Higgins. Click on the photo for a larger view.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522

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(if you have an event you want on the events calendar, contact  Carol Altman at Cottonwood City Hall at cottonwd@idaho.net)

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