youth activities
Dear Youth in Christ, As the weather warms up and the school days come to close we ask you to consider joining us in our end of the school year activities. As a young Church we will celebrate this special month through praise, prayer, play, worship and planning. It is here we call you and challenge you to become a disciple and live out your call as servants, witnesses, and leaders. On May 1st the Haiti Mission team will meet at the OMG at 7:00 to organize the cookie dough order sheets. Please bring your orders with you and thank you to all who ordered cookie. We really appreciate your support. All youth are invited to adoration on Friday May 2nd. Come and spend some time with our risen Lord! On May 3rd and 4ththe Jr. High and High School youth are invited to a retreat in Lapwai. The theme is “The Emmaus Journey” Our weekend will focus on the Sacraments, especially the Eucharist. We will meet at the Church parking lot at 8:30 to load up the cars. The REACH team out of Montana will be leading the retreat so we are really excited about this weekend. If you are interested in attending the retreat, it is not to late to sign up. Please get a hold of Debbie for more information. We will return from the retreat by 11:30 on Sunday morning. I am going in for shoulder surgery on May 6th and will out until May 16th. Please pray for a successful surgery and recovery. I kept saying that I don’t have time to get this done, but the Lord certainly showed me who was in control. On May 18th all High School Seniors are invited to St. Anthony’s Mass in Greencreek on at 10:00 a.m. We will be celebrating you and your accomplishments. Please arrive at the Church by 9:30 so we can gather for the Liturgy. There will be a reception following the Mass hosted by the women of St Anthony’s. Everyone is invited and encouraged to attend this great tribute to our young people. On May 19th we will have our last small group Bible study for the school year. All High School youth are invited to Debbie’s office for this scripture study. We will begin with pizza at 6:30, our study at 7:00, and a walk at 8:00. We hope you can join us in our Study. No youth group on May 21st due to the High School Spring Concert. On May 20th all youth who are interested in attending the Steubenville retreat in Spokane on July 25-27 need to meet at the OMG at 7:00 p.m. for an informational gathering. We need to get you signed up and registered before the end of the month. On May 28th we will close out the month with a themed movie night. All high School and Jr. High youth are invited to the OMG to watch the movie “Frozen”. You are asked to dress up like one of the characters and prizes will be awarded. Let’s make this an amazing night as we celebrate the last movie night for the school year. Root beer floats and cookies will be provided. May the invitations of these activities spark a longing in your heart to be involved. Even though we are getting close to the end of the school year, there are great adventures awaiting you. We hope you can join us and absolutely look forward to seeing you! In Christ, Debbie |