Classes Help with Hip Surgery Recovery
“Because I have been attending either the senior exercise class or the evening adult exercise class for the past two years,” commented Max Nuxoll when asked how he was able to recover from his hip surgery so quickly. “I went into the operation with good strength, so recovery was no problem,” said Nuxoll. “I was up and walking with a walker within a day of surgery and going up and down stairs by day two, according my physical therapist people just don’t do that. My therapist also mentioned that since a lot of the exercises I did in class were the same ones I did in therapy I had an easier and quicker recovery time. He said I was the poster child for hip surgery recovery.” The evening adult classes which are held on Monday and Thursday evenings from 7:00 to 8:00 are geared toward the 40 to 60 year old age group, but all ages are welcome to attend. The morning senior classes which are held on Monday and Thursday mornings from 9:30 to 10:30 are geared toward those who are over 60. The main goals of these classes are to help increase strength and balance and also help control weight gain. Both women and men are encouraged to attend either class. Both classes are sponsored by St. Mary’s Hospital in an effort to help the community get and stay healthy. “I go to the classes mainly because I need to exercise and is it easier to stay motivated when exercising with a group; plus you almost feel a sense of loyalty to the group to encourage others to exercise,” said Nuxoll. If you would like any additional information on the classes call either Cheri Holthaus at 962-2327 or Shelli Schumacher at 962-5371. |