to the editor from this week's Chronicle:
Letter to Editor:
We are fearful of what is happening in our federal government. The
best we can do for our federal government is elect state candidates who
stand for state sovereignty and individual rights against the federal bureaucracy.
Do you know what is happening in our state government? I do. The current
cronyism and socialism in our own state demand of us to make a change for
courageous and prudent leaders who will fight for private property rights,
parent’s rights, gun rights, and free market solutions. You elected me
to protect those rights. Please help me not stand alone.
Russ Fulcher for Governor
Jim Chmelik for Lieutenant Governor
Chris Troupis for Attorney General
John Eynon for Superintendent of Public Instruction
Lawerence Denney for Secretary of State
Todd Hatfield for Controller.
Senator Sheryl Nuxoll, District 7
To the Editor
I worked for Idaho County taxpayers for more than thirty years, the
last seventeen years as the Idaho County Treasurer. I know the statutory
regulations of the office of Treasurer, more importantly; I understand
the expectations of the citizens of Idaho County.
I worked closely with both Republican candidates for this position,
and am aware of both candidates’ strengths, weaknesses and skillsets.
Please vote for Abbie Hudson May 20.
Sharon Cox,
Former Idaho County Treasurer
Fulcher and Troupis!
Retirement has its advantages, and one of them is the time I have had
to read, research, investigate the positions of some of our candidates
for election during our May primary, and in November this fall.
Based on everything I have seen and heard, my enthusiastic endorsement
goes to governor candidate Russ Fulcher, and attorney general candidate
Chris Troupis. The issues I consider most important, and the ones
on which I agree exactly with these two God-fearing and Christian men include
the ownership of public land, our participation in Obama Care, and the
looming threat of federal takeover of our education system with Common
Core. This last item is the most critical of all in my opinion, and
I guarantee that in years ahead, its disastrous effect on our children
will become more obvious!
So...vote Russ and Chris, and other candidates who stand with
them and with us on local, state and national issues!!!
Jake (Patrick J.) Wren
Cottonwood |
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