Cottonwood City Council meets
It was reported at the May meeting of the Cottonwood City Council that the city will be awarded a grant to build new sidewalks, predominantly in the area of the Elementary School.
It would be a $489,000 project to put new sidewalk along East Street to Foster, along Butler Street to Lewiston and some other areas in that portion of town. The city would get about $17,000 in 2016 to get the design engineered and the rest in 2017 to do the actual work. The city has applied for similar grants for the past several years. When it wasn’t awarded last year they looked to scale the project back some but were told to resubmit the entire project.
Regarding the willow problem brought up at the last meeting, Mayor Denis Duman will be meeting with Idaho Transportation Department officials this Thursday about that issue as well as the sidewalk problems along King Street.
Kirsten Latimer visited with the council about her proposed senior project. She would like to redo the memorial garden in front of the city park restrooms. City worker Pat Enneking would be her mentor for the project. The council asked parks commissioner Shelli Schumacher to be the city contact for Latimer on the project.
In the water report Pat Holthaus said they are still losing about 20% of the water they pump. One leak was found on Front Street when the city crew was replacing the sewer line there. It was the kind of leak that would not have surfaced otherwise. Roy Uhlenkott said there may be several other similar leaks that would be very hard to find. When things dry up they hope some of the leaks will surface. Duman asked about the one that appears to be on Brewery Hill. Uhlenkott said there isn’t even a water line on that side but that they are looking into it.
In the sewer report Ron Grant said they are getting the agriforest cleaned up and ready for when they have to start sprinkling at the end of the month. They are also looking into a solution to keep the cattle from getting into the agriforest.
In the street report Uhlenkott said he is working out how best to use the sign grant money. He also said the Mag Chloride should be coming in this week and they will be setting up application times on the city’s gravel streets. They are also trying to keep up with fixing of potholes.
In the fire department report Grant said they have got some new large diameter hose in. The only fire call was the power pole fire near the south entrance to town.
In unfinished business city clerk Carol Altman discussed the quotes she received for an updated computer and software to handle the city’s accounting and the telemetry system. The council recommended she go with the set-up through the accounting software company.
The Ironwood agreement was brought up again with Grant asking why this is being brought up as the council read aloud and approved this with the owners in attendance at the last meeting.
They did take some time to discuss the things Ironwood’s attorney flagged. One concern was addressed as the council voted to change the paragraph dealing with the term of the agreement to 10 years with a year to year renewal after that term is up.
The waterline replacement project on Church Street was discussed. Uhlenkott said they got it designed and are looking into having Shawn Seubert do the work as the city crew already had a full schedule for the Spring before this project came up. Seubert has a bid out for another project that would keep him busy if he gets it, otherwise he would be able to do the city’s project. Seubert estimated about $9,000 for his work with the city providing about $6,000 worth of materials.
The council meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m. The next regular meeting is set for Monday, June 9, at 7 p.m.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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