June events for Tri-Parish Youth Ministry
June 3rd. End of the school potluck dessert bash and youth ministry presentation at the Church Parking lot (details below).  Everyone is asked to bring a dessert to the church parking lot on June 3rd at 7:00 p.m.  We will meet in the Church for a brief presentation on Youth Ministry.  After the presentation we will go to the Church Parking lot for dessert, fire, and fun.   Don’t forget your lawn chairs
June 4th- All youth attending the Leadership Camp are asked to attend a planning meeting for Haystack delivery fundraiser.  We will meet at the OMG at 7:00 p.m.  
Debbie’s week off June 9-13
June 16th -all youth who will be attending the Steubenville Conference in July are asked to work at a Car Wash at the Fire Station.  We will set up at 9:30 and work from 10:00 to 4:00.  Please bring a shop vac and water to drink.  Pizza will be provided for lunch.
June 18th- The group attending the Leadership camp is asked to be present at St. Mary’s Church Kitchen in the Sacred Heart Room at 9:30 a.m.  to begin preparing for the haystack delivery.  We will be delivering from10:30-2:00. You need to present to help with this great event. 
June 19th -22nd- Leadership Camp at Stanley Idaho.  All High School youth who have been asked to attend this camp will be meeting on Thursday at the Church parking lot. I do not have the exact time yet, but will let you know soon.  All details will be sent you prior to you leaving. (The drive will take approximately 6 hours)
June 27th- The Tri-Parish Youth Ministry will be hosting the N.C. Deanary retreat at Keuterville on June 27th.   We will begin our “Fun in the Son” retreat at 3:00 p.m.  Bring a snack, tent, sleeping bag, pillow and a heart for faith filled fun! (For High School Youth)
June 30th- Roadside Clean-up time- All High School and Jr. High Youth are asked to help clean up our adopted road outside of Cottonwood.  We will meet at Debbie’s office at 10:00 a.m. to go over details.  When we are finished with clean-up we will go to Subway for a lunch.

Youth Ministry sponsoring end of school year bash
The Youth Ministry is hosting an end of the school bash, which is scheduled for June 3rd at the Church Parking Lot.  
It is a dessert potluck so everyone is asked to bring their favorite dessert. All high school, junior high, elementary youth and their families are invited to join in the celebration of the ending of another school year filled with great accomplishments.  
We will meet at St. Mary’s Church at 7:00 p.m. for a short presentation on Youth Ministry.  The festivities will follow in the parking lot with dessert, music, fire, and friends.  We hope everyone can make it and please bring your lawn chair. 

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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