July activities for Tri-Parish youth
July 7th-10th All Jr. High and High School youth are invited to help paint the new OMG youth room.  We will be painting the whole week from 10:00-3:00.  Your help is greatly needed and appreciated.  Call Debbie if you have any questions. (Please bring a snack to share, Hot Dog, drinks  and fruit will be provided).
July 9th @ 7:00 p.m. the youth attending Steubenville Northwest will meet at the OMG to plan the end of month Barbeque fundraiser.  Please be present if you are planning to go to Steubenville.
July 14-18- Debbie’s July week off
July 21st- Jr. High youth will be spending a day a Zims Hot springs.  We will leave from the Church parking lot at 9:00 p.m.  Please bring a sack lunch.  We will eat dinner at Subway or A@W in New Meadows.  We will return around 8:00 p.m.  This activity is for Jr. High only and you must get a permission slip prior to the event.  Drivers are needed.  Permission slip may be picked up from the parish office.  Call Debbie at 208-553-5837 if you have questions.
July 23 -the Steubenville youth and young adults will be hosting a car wash at the fire station to raise money for the conference.  We will begin the car wash at 9:30 and end at 4:00 p.m.  All Steubenville participants are asked to be present for the carwash!  Thank you for your support!
July 25th-27tha group of High school youth, young adults, and adults will be attending the Steubenville Northwest Conference in Spokane.  We will leave from the Church parking lot at 10:00 p.m.  Please bring money for lunch on the way home.  We will be home around 4:00 p.m. on Sunday.  
July 30th- The youth and young adults attending Steubenville Northwest will be hosting a Barbeque.  The location is not yet determined.  Please watch the Church bulletin and Chronicle for time and place.  Thank you in advance for your support of this yummy fundraiser!

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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