September for Tri-Parish Youth
The school bells are ringing, the weather is showing signs of change, and kids are waking up early to head to the bus and the sounds of football is in the air. With every new season comes an invitation for newness. It isn’t always easy to move from our familiar habits to embrace new ones, but once they too become familiar and we begin to hold them and move to a new place off familiarity. It is in this mindset I would like invite to our youth group. During the month of September we will retreat, pray, celebrate, share, study, and continue our faith journey with freshness and a new vitality, all within a changed season. We will begin the month by inviting our adult ministry team to the OMG at 7:00 p.m. to discuss and review the upcoming 3 months of Youth ministry activities. Your input and ideas as to involving parents and planning effective programming is essential. On September 5th you are invited to attend the 10:00 p.m. “Adoration of our Lord” at St. Mary’s Church. Please join me in an hour of holy prayer as we meet face to face with our God. On Sept. 6th our High School Peer Ministry team from last year will meet in the church parking lot at 8:00 a.m. We will be heading to Couer D’Alene for our “Triple Play” day. This is an event that was rescheduled from August. Please bring $60.00 to attend. We will return on Sunday. On Sept. 9th we would like to invite everyone to our “Back to School” Bash in the Church Parking lot. We will have food, fire, and fun. We will also have a short presentation by our peer ministers about Youth Ministry. Everyone is invited and encouraged to attend this back to school celebration. Please bring a lawn chair. On September 17th, all High School youth interested in being Peer Ministers are asked to attend an information meeting. We will meet at the OMG room at 7:00 p.m. Please bring your ideas and plans for the upcoming school year. Snacks and drinks will be provided. I will be attending the Catholic Congress during the weekend of September 19th -20th. Please pray for all the Catholics gathered from throughout the state for this educational opportunity. On Sept. 24th the Haiti Mission Team 2016 will meet to discuss future planning for our trip. We will also begin planning our Oct/Nov “Pig Out” and auction. Please be present if you plan on going on this trip in 2016. The date is getting closer and the reality of the trip more real. Please know we need your input and help in making decisions and finalizing the plans. We will begin our annualHigh School“30 Hour Fast” on Saturday Sept. 27th at 10:00 a.m. at the Keuterville hall. (Fasting will begin at 3:00 a.m on your own) We will complete this retreat after the Sunday Mass on Sept 28th. The fast will end with a breakfast meal shared with the community in the Sacred Heart Room. Please pick up a registration form for this event at the parish office. The cost of the retreat is $30.00 and will be co-lead by Kevin Karel and Clark Bruno with Debbie as mentor. All proceeds for this retreat will go to help the less fortunate of the world, “Catholic Relief Services” and “World Vision”. If you would like to contribute to this cause please make a donation in the Church collection marked “30 Hour Fast”. All donations are greatly appreciated and will definitely make a difference to the less fortunate of the World. (Please note the 30 Hour fast has been changed to Oct. 11th due to a conflict with another schedule, so mark your calendar.) Our final activity of the month is our Movie night for Jr. High and High School youth. We will have snacks and drinks at the OMG youth room at 7:00 p.m. Our September movie will be “God’s not dead”. Please tell your friends. We can’t wait to see you! Please know if you have not been involved in youth group or you are a freshman and have been wondering about youth group, this is a perfect opportunity to jump on board. We welcome you with open arms and look forward to embracing new people and new ideas. It’s good to have change because with change we grow and become all that God calls us to be… a community of love! We hope to see you and if you have questions please call Debbie. I would love to talk with you! In Christ, Debbie |