Letters to the editor from this week's Chronicle:

To the Editor
Your latest front page headlines "Noted Author to be at Kooskia, Sept 14th," leaves me questioning your ideology.  I had no idea who this so called "noted author" Trevor Loudon  was until I googled him online.  It's unbelievable that a "community newspaper" that used to pride itself  on neutrality now is promoting a radical extremist/ foreign blogger on the fringes of society. Trevor Loudon's constant blather of under siege/anti government mentality is quite similar in nature to the disaffected young men of the world who have trouble fitting into society and end up fighting as anti government-religious fanatics in the Middle East. Why not promote Camas Prairie born real heroes  like  Father Bill Wassmuth when he took on the lunatic fringe  near Hayden Lake several years ago before his untimely death!
Jim Reed
Portland, Oregon

It’s About Integrity - Secretary of State
It’s essential for open representative governance that the office of Secretary of State be above reproach in assuring fairness and integrity in its primary responsibility of overseeing state elections.  This is a necessary fundamental principle pledged to voters.
From 1970 to the present, we’ve supported and voted for Republicans Pete Cenarrusa and Ben Ysursa for Secretary of State.  Both men earned our trust for fairness and integrity while serving in this important office. We believe candidate Holli Woodings is committed to following the ethical standard these men have set.  Her challenger in the November 2014 General Election, Lawrence Denney, who was not endorsed by Ben Ysursa, narrowly won the May primary election.  If we look at Mr. Denney’s record, it becomes apparent his sense of fairness and integrity may be quite different than what we have come to expect in a Secretary of State.
His own party deposed him as Speaker of the House for his “bare-knuckled” style of leadership on a host of issues and events about which his fellow Republicans found him ethically challenged.     His behavior in the legislature raises the serious question:  Is Denney interested in serving the people of Idaho, or interested in the power he can wield in office?  Know Denney = NO Denney.
To ensure fairness and integrity, vote for Holli Woodings for Secretary of State. 
Roger and Janice Inghram,

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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