to the editor from this week's Chronicle:
An open letter to the Keuterville Highway District and the Idaho
County Commissioners.
Recently the Keuterville-Cottonwood Road claimed another victim, Mat
Seubert. He was at least the third fatality failing to negotiate
that particular corner. No one even begins to know the number
of non-fatality accidents and "close calls" occurring there also.
That particular corner has some inherent problems. There is no
super, the corner is flat. The signage consists of one cautionary
sign surrounding by trees. The fog and center line painting is not
maintained well.
I realize money is always tight, however, something must be done.
To bank the corner as it should be, may be cost-prohibitive at this time
(although it should be a near-future consideration), but moving the existing
30mph cautionary sign further up the road AND erecting a straight left-pointing
arrow sign on the corner is a low-cost improvement.
I would seriously hope the corner can be improved before it is one
of your sons, relatives, or friends who is the next victim.
Douglas A. Winter
Pullman, WA
To the Editor
Remember how "Boss" Lawrence Denney emphatically stated that he wouldn't
be using the tax-payer funded Public Lands Interim Committee forums as
a personal campaign opportunity?
Hmmmm. Someone that looks like him was handing out campaign
signs and literature during the committee's recent swing through the state.
For the influential and important office of Secretary of State, we need
someone honest and ethical--like Holli Woodings.
Shelley Dumas
Dear Editor:
I would like to both commend and encourage all Idaho state, county
and local officials who are spearheading the move to win back managing
control over federally owned public lands within our state. There
are many reasons why it behooves "we the people" to support this movement
First of all, there's the basic interest of state's rights. Next,
the critically needed, better management of our forests, and the boosting
of our economy by putting more of our people back to work, responsibly
harvesting burgeoning natural resources. Also, restored, easier access
to our own land, for recreational and other legitimate purposes.
Just in general, our being better enabled to pay our own way in funding
the needs of our state (including education), neither having to depend
upon federal handouts, nor always further taxing our people directly.
Few would argue that the federal government hasn't grossly, intrusively
over-extended itself throughout the several states, and sorely needs to
be pushed back into its proper corner. For clues and some rude awakening,
compare the U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 8, and the Bill of Rights
Amendment 10 to the feds' Agenda 21 and Re-wilding of America plans!
Idaho's chances of success in re-asserting itself are made better by
the fact that we are not alone in the struggle. A total of 11 western
state legislatures have begun to mount similar efforts. It should
be well worth the fight, so I'd say TOGETHER let's do it!
Thank you.
Carol Asher
Kamiah, Idaho |
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