Things Are True
by Dan Coburn Pastor, Emmanuel Baptist Church pastordan@mtida.net How quickly they turn. In 1st Sam. 30, we read a powerful story about men, manliness, battle, loyalty - all the stuff you wouldn't find in a "chick flick". David and his army had been on a roll. Every battle they fought, they won - handily. God was really blessing them, and the men all loved their leader David. Then they go on a three day sortie and while they are gone, the Amalekites raid the Negev (desert region) and Ziklag (our hero's home base) in particular. They burned it, and took captive all the women and all the children. Who knows what they intended for them. As the army which was 600 strong entered the city, and one by one learned the fate of their loved ones, the weeping began. No, the convulsive mourning began. The Bible tells us that - "David and the people that were with him lifted up their voice and wept, until they had no more power to weep". Here's where it gets dicey. Often, when we literally feel as though life has kicked us in the gut, and we grieve so hard we can't breathe, our very next reaction is to blame somebody. Sometimes there is someone to focus our blame on, but often there isn't. So, we blame God. I mean if He is all powerful, and He loves me, how could I be in such torment unless He caused it. But I can't get to Him, so I will focus my hate, my blame on His representation here - The Church, and It's Christians. I would like to separate our heroes into two groups. David, and his men. They were all hurting. They had all suffered loss. They were in the same situation or circumstance, but look at the difference in their reactions. The men who loved David yesterday reacted thusly - "And David was greatly distressed; for the people spake of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and for his daughters:" They wanted to kill David. And his reaction? "but David encouraged himself in the Lord his God." vs 6 The difference is attitude. The difference is a sold out acceptance of the Sovereignty of God. Perhaps that's why God says of David - "this is a man after my own heart". Now, let's not turn the Spiritual Switch. I don't want the noteworthy greatness of a recent event to fade away too soon. I, of course am talking about our Prairie Pirate football team. No, Our State Championship, hold your head up, played with honor, heart, grace, unity and like our hero David, did not let adversity keep them from pursuing wholeheartedly the prize before them football program. Do you know what was absent this year from my side of the bleachers? Criticism. Everything I heard anyone say about the team, its individual players, and its DELUXE coaching staff was positive. I don't know if you guys get told that at all, let alone enough. You did yourselves and our town proud, and I thank you. God Bless. |