events for Youth Ministry
Dear Youth and Parents, Here we are in the invitation to begin a new year. We are challenged to make changes in our lives and step out in faith to see what may lie ahead as we open doors to new possibilities. It is in this invitation that we ask you to join us in our road of discovering our faith through prayer, fun, food, fellowship, planning, sharing, and learning. We would especially like to invite newcomers to our gatherings. We would love to see you! Our month begins with an invitation of prayer on Jan 2nd at St. Mary’s Church. All youth and adult leaders are invited and encouraged to attend Adoration from 10:00 p.m. to 11:00. This is a great way to quiet your hearts and rest in the presence of God. “Oh Come Let Us Adore Him”. On Jan. 4th our 2016 Mission Team will be hosting a breakfast “Pig Out”. This is a perfect celebration of food before you go on that January diet. Our menu consists of sour dough pancakes, Angela’s homemade syrup, scrambled eggs, German sausage and fruit. The breakfast will go from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. We will also have a silent auction. We hope you join us for this yummy event. On Jan. 5thI have tentatively scheduled Jim Chmelik to give a talk at the OMG at 7:00 p.m. to the Jr. High and High School youth. Please watch the bulletin for more info. The peer ministers will meet on Jan. 7th at the OMG @ 7:00 to plan the monthly REACH session. All peer ministers are encouraged to attend. On Jan. 11th the youth who are applying for KC’s scholarships for ICYC will meet at the KC hall at 6:30 a.m. to help with the breakfast. On Jan 12th the Catholic Q and A group will meet in Debbie’s office at 6:30 for pizza, 7:00 for our study session, and 8:00 for our walk. All High School youth are invited to this discussion of faith. ICYC is March 6, 7, and 8th this year. Please pick up forms from the Church office, Summit Academy or Debbie. All ICYC forms and payments are due to the parish office, Summit office, or Debbie by Jan 15th. (All Junior High youth attending the Rally in CoeurD’alene need to pick up a form and fill it out by the end of January as well). On Jan. 14th at 7:00 p.m. at the OMG the 2016 Haiti Mission team will meet to plan the annual chili and cinnamon roll delivery for Super Bowl Sunday. Please be present because your help is greatly needed for this event. On Jan. 21st the Jr. High and High school are invited to a themed movie night at the OMG @ 7:00. Watch the bulletin for the information on the movie. On Jan. 26th the Bible Study group will meet in Debbie’s office at 6:30 for pizza, 7:00 for the study, and 8:00 for our walk. All High School youth are invited to join us! On Jan. 28th the High School Peer Ministers will host the Jr. High REACH session. All Jr. High and High School youth are invited to attend this faith activity. Peer ministers please be present at the OMG youth room at 6:00 p.m. to set up. The session begins at 7:00 p.m. for Jr. High. The Jr. High Rally in Coeur d’Alene is on Jan. 31st. All forms must be filled out and fees paid prior to attending. I will need them returned to me by Jan. 25th. The forms and rally information will be handed out to the 7th and 8th grade at Release Time. We will leave on Sat. morning, Jan 31st from the Church parking lot at 6:15 p.m. We will return around 5:00 p.m. on Sunday. Please contact Debbie for more information. (We are in need of drivers so if you are interested please contact me) Yes, we are off and running into the New Year. We pray that our hearts are open and ready to hear all that God has in store for us as we move toward him with great anticipation. May your year be blessed and filled with peace and grace. In Christ, Debbie |